Aurora P.O.V

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After school I get Daniels Truck to go pick up Ana on the car ride were holding hands he smiles at the road which makes me smile to myself I look at my iphone feeling a vibration. i look at the text it's from Lina 'I'm picking you up at 5 tonight.' I reply 'Okay.' I lock my phone and see that we were at the elementary school I walk into Ana's class where she waits for me I see her teacher mrs.Gilbert "Hi mrs. gilbert, come on Ana."I say Ana runs to me we lock hands and walk out to Daniels truck she skips and opens the door "Hey princess!" Daniel smiles. "hi Danny!"she yells back and smiles I pick her up and set her in her car seat I put her seatbelt on and I shut the door I get in the front seat and shut my door "babe I'm so happy that your mine." Daniel kisses my cheek.I blush a lot Daniel pulls up in our driveway "thanks babe." I say smirking I kiss him I pop open the door and hop out I open up the back of the car seeing a sleeping Ana I unhook her seatbelt I pick her up and prop her over my shoulder I grab my backpack and wave at daniel and walk to the front door I open it too see cigarette smoked in the air and dirty whores on the couch smoking naked and my dad sitting in the middle of the 4 whores I cover Ana's eyes and walk upstairs "Hey why don't you come back down here and fucking serve us!" my dad yells I just groan and roll my eyes I set Ana in her room and shut the door locking it I walk back downstairs huffing and puffing "More beers please." He scoffs at me I roll my eyes and go into the kitchen I open the fridge and pull out five beers I slam them on table and walk upstairs to check on Ana I open the door I look at Ana playing with her dolls she sees me an her face lights up like a Christmas tree she runs to me "Mommy!" she hugs me I shed a tear at her direct firm comment I hug her "Hey baby." I say she giggles and makes her way downstairs "Wait Ana!" I yell after her she's already down the carpet steps I chase after her "What the hell?!" my dad yells when I get to the last step I see him smack my little Ana my motherly instincts take over i get in my dad's face so fast i start yelling and screaming at him "You fucking bastard don't you dare put your hands on her or I swear I will kill you myself!" my face is red and filled with rage mostly because of Ana's cries it just hurts me. He pushes me up against the wall having me by my neck i feel air leaving my body "Listen here you little bitch this is my house an-" I cut him off I

Dig my nails in his eye he screams an lets me go I snatch Ana by her wrist and run upstairs too my room and I lock the door. I call daniel "Hello?" he says I hear tv in the back I sniffle "daniel can you come over but come on the curb by my window."i say "Aurora are you okay?"Daniel sounds worried "No just come over. " I hang up and sit next Ana and then I set her in my lap. And rub her head kissing it gently I grab her and drag her in the bathroom and I start her bath water and I put her in the tub and start I washing her small body I hear a tap on my window I get up looking to see Daniel on the tree by my room I quickly unlock my window and let him in Daniel hugs and kisses me I quickly walk away going back to Ana I grab a towel an wrap her tiny body and dry her off "Are you okay Aurora?" Daniel sounds out of breath "Yeah."I wipe the rest of my tears "What happened?"he grabs my arm gently his hazel eyes are so harden and full of worry "He hit Ana." I break down into tears he pulls me in a hug I keep crying "I let him hurt my baby!" I scream Daniel holds me and picks Ana up and has her on his hip we all are in this hug I take Ana from Daniel I grab her some

Panties and put them on her I grab her a purple stripped sweater and some jeans and some white socks I get her dressed Ana plops on the bed and next thing I know the poor girl is sleep again I smile at her i look in my droor and pull out a black tight sweater and some skinny jeans and some fuzzy monster slippers I sit on the couch in my room Daniel sits next too me and puts his arm around me i lay in his chest my eyes are puffy red and I'm just very mad "if he touches you one more time I swear he's dead meat!"daniel yell whispers I look up in his hazel eyes he kisses me I kiss him back running my fingers threw his brown thick hair we pull away at the same time smiling at eachother I have my feet proped on his lap were just cuddled on this leather couch next thing I know i fall asleep in his arms •a couple hours later• I wake up I see Daniel still in the same position his phone goes off he wakes up he looks at the text and I look at it being curious it was Lenny 'Bro where are you and Rora and Ana?!' "Shit I guess we missed movie night." Daniel shrugs "I'm sorry babe." I make sad eyes "But I don't care this was the best night I could ever have but babe let me go home." Daniel stretches and gets up "Okay thanks." I say and kiss him 'Damn the best boyfriend ever.'

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