Aurora P.O.V

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Me and Lina start talking "How's the baby?" I rub her belly "Good." she smiles and starts eating more chips I smile at her while she eats her ruffles Lenny runs behind us getting really close to Lina kissing her lips and her stomach I just giggle then Daniel runs behind me putting his arm around me and smirking "Babe We should go out tonight!" He smiles sweetly I cant deny "Yeah we should." I smile when I get to my locker Lina is standing next to me just continuously munching on chips I grab my biology binder she takes a breath while looking around "Do you think im gonna have a cute baby?" she stares at me I shut my locker "Of course with your dimples and hazel eyes and Lenny's ........ what ever he has." I say smirking she starts laughing and we start walking down the hallway Donovan gets in my way "Babe when are we gonna get back together?" he smiles throwing his arms up "When you get a fucking brain and a heart." I say pushing him out of the way and keep walking Lina looks behind and flips Donovan off I start laughing "Come on Lina!" I smile we continue going down the hallway we see the popular cheerleaders and the head spawned reject bitch from hell Rein "I heard that you were pregnant." she stares Lina up and down then smirks Lina stops eating her chips "Rein Can you name one guy who hasn't fucked you I mean I bet your vagina is broken like beyond repair I mean after this year you're going to be a stripper right?..... Face it your not smart at all you have F's in all your classes only reason why you are still head cheerleader is because you've been fucking the gym teacher for what the past 4 years soooo what do you have to say for yourself?" Lina chuckles when the Demon goes silent I start cracking up I put my finger in her face laughing walking away with Lina we finally got to biology I sit down and Lina sits next too me during class all we did was talk after class Daniel is no where to be found I hear a lot of commotion i run towards it I see Daniel and Donovan fighting I run and stop them "STOP!" I yell Donovan goes to through one more punch at Daniel but he missed and accidentally hit me I don't know what happened I just snapped i punched Donovan right in his nose and then kicked him in the balls and kicked him to the ground and I started stomping on him. I just leave Daniel chases after me "Daniel dont!" I yell he spins me around and kisses me

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