Aurora P.O.V

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"come on here's our room." she says taking her headphones out her ears I nod my head smiling I walk in to see two beds "Hey what's your name by the way?" I ask "Jessica..... Jessica Ilbarra." she smiles now that I look at her she looks a lot like Daniel but a pretty female version "Do you have a brother Daniel Ilbarra?" I ask sitting down on the bed "Yeah but he doesn't know I exist." she shruggs "Why?"she makes a face "Because I'm his girlfriend." I say scratching my wrist picking at my cuts "Oh um okay."she says I look down "Well I think he should meet you." I slight smile "Yeah one day." she smiles "I never caught your name." she looks in my green eyes "Aurora." I hold my hand out she shakes it smiling "Beautiful name." she says "So what made you almost go 6 feet under?" She asks "My dad abused me and my sis- Daughter." I fix my words "Awe honey." she says "Daniel has been there for everything." I say smiling she giggles "What's your daughter name?" She smiles "Hanna or Ana." I smile picturing her beautiful face "your last name is landers?" she asks "Yeah." I smile not showing my teeth and nodding my head "There is a guard who looks like you and she's a landers her hair is brown like yours and he ha the same beautiful jade green eyes." she looks real close at me I start breathing hard is my mother really alive "where is she?" I ask making a sour face "She's in the 5th corridor with all the violent people I can take you." she says "Yeah." I nod my head we both get up at the same time and walk towards the door heading out while we walk she asks me questions "So does Daniel look like me?" she asks. Smirking "You would think you guys looked like twins." I say she laughs "Here we are "She says I see a woman who looks exactly like my mom but 9 years older she's laughing and talking I walk up to her she looks shocked "A-Aurora?" she makes out my butterflies go away I'm filled with rage "What the fuck Vanessa?!" I yell "You've been alive this whole fucking time where have you been hiding Huh bitch?!" Im basically screaming "Honey I can explain." her gentle voice I cut her voice "EXPLAIN WHAT HOW YOU FUCKING DESERTED ME AND HANNA LEAVING US WITH THAT FUCKING MANIAC OF A FATHER!". Now I'm yelling at the top of my lungs she hugs me I start crying I'm so mad "You fucking left me behind." I start hugging her back I push her away and walk off with Jessica wiping my tears "What the fuck was that?" Jessica has a confused look on her face "I can't right now." I say trying to calm down then my mom catches up with me "Aurora." she says I snap my head in her direction she jogs to me handing me a cell phone. "Here say that I gave it too you." she smiles warmly I grab it and walk off "Jessica I need some time alone." I say looking down she nods her head and goes the opposite way I go outside and call Daniel "Hello?" he sounds curious his voice brings tears too my eyes "hey babe." I sniffle "Aurora! hey!" he says I laugh i have so much on my mind I don't know where to start "Ummm Daniel I think we should Adopt Ana." I finally blurt "Ummmm I mean it's a good idea since with us all the time ........ ANA COME BACK HERE SO I CAN GIVE YOU A BATH!" he yells I just laugh "I just talked too my mom." i say "Isn't she.........Dead?" Daniel hesitates "No she just fucking dissapeared." I say angrily "Damn." he sighs through the phone "you have an older sister Jessica." I say shrugging "Um huh?" he asks "Yeah I met her." I smile playing with my hair "okay......" his voice drifts off "Let me talk to my Ana." I say "Okay." he quickly hands her the phone "Hewo?" her innocent voice put a smile on my face "Hey honey it's mommy." I smile "Hi mommy!" she screams through the phone "hey baby." I smile then someone walks out and tells me to go back inside "Baby I got to go I love you." i say gently then Daniel gets back on the phone "Bye babe love you." he says "WAIT SEND ME SOME PICTURES OF YOU AND ANA!"i yell "Okay."he hangs up I walk inside and go

To my room seeing Jessica "Are you okay?" she asks "Yeah. " I smile and nod I get the pictures of Daniel and Ana "Here's my daughter Ana." I say showing her a picture "She looks so much like you!" She yells I giggle then I show Her Daniel "Damn it's like looking in the mirror." she giggles I smile then I grab the phone shoving it under my pillow "LIGHTS OUT!"all the lights go out the doors shut and lock I curl up in a ball saying my prayers and go to bed.

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