Aurora P.O.V

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"GET OUT GET OUT!" I yell at Daniel I push him out and slam the door locking it I drop my towel I was so afraid of Daniel seeing my cuts. I sigh in relief I dry my body and I use the towel to dry my hair I wrap the towel around my body and walk into Daniels room I shut the door noticing He's not there I lock the door I look in my bag and grab my hair tie I drop my towel and put on a black laced thong with the matching bra I lotion my self down with cherry blossom lotion I put on some stern washed high waist skinny jeans with a black and white striped tight sweater I unlock the door then Daniel walks in I see him starring at me while I put on mascara and eyeliner "What was that about?" he says he sounds fussy "I didn't want you too see me naked." I replied shrugging my shoulders he pouts "Daniel stop acting like you're 2." I say getting irritated I grab my hair tie and push him out the way and walk out I put my hair in a ponytail walking down stairs I go into the kitchen I open the fridge forgetting what I wanted I close the door to see Daniel with those seductive eyes and temping lips he leans in but doesn't kiss me walking closer too me making me walk back I grab the counter as he Is now in my space I smell his cologne all I know is that in turned on too the max and I want him right now when I lean in to kiss him he walks away I bite my lips as I watch him walk away I get goosebumps "Daniel you're such a tease!" I yell as he exits the kitchen I walk behind him he turns around and passionately kisses me nothing like I've had before it was a feeling I never felt he made my lady parts all tingly and stuff during the beautiful blissful kiss a moan escapes my mouth. He smirks I bite my lip he had something tasty on his it tasted like berries all I knew is that I wanted more than just a kiss I wanted him but I know it's to early in our relationship. I clear my throat and walk out the kitchen I go in the living room plopping on the couch I turn on their big flat screen tv and watch some Johnny Bravo Daniel walks in and plops right next too me he yawns faking to put his arm over my shoulder I grab his arm and set it on his lap "If you're going to fake a yawn please do it correctly." I smirk and continue watching tv "Babe we should go on a date." Daniel blurts I nod and smile "We should." I say "When though?" I ask politely "right now." he says getting up I get up too all I could think is about the new dress I bought I bite my lip thinking about it I run upstairs passing Daniel up I run into his room seeing Ana awake "Wait who's gonna look after Ana?" I ask "I'll drop her off with my mom."he quickly answers out of breath I nod my head I grab my dress with some gold bracelets and my heels I pick Ana up and grab her Looney toons shirt with a pair of nice jeans and some sneakers I go into the bathroom I set Ana down as she plays with her dolls I shut the door and lock it I slip out my pants and shirt I grab the dress and start slipping my thick thighs through it when I finally get it on I look in the mirror it's short sleeve black at the top white on the bottom with black ruffles on the side that go into a black train that covers the back of my legs I smile in the mirror seeing how this dress fits me I grab my heels and put them on the heels are lace heels and black and open toe they're like 8 inches I smile I put on my gold bracelets and a gold necklace too match I unlock the door and peeking out too see if Daniel was in his room he wasn't I kick my heels off and run and snatch my bag and back into the bathroom I go I shut the door and lock it I put my heels back on I look in my bag and grab my mascara and eyeliner and lipstick and flat Ito and curling iron and my brush and comb I let my hair down and start combing and brushing my hair it was still a little damp from my shower i plug my flat iron and curling iron I look at Ana as she stares at me I smile at her and she giggles so cute I brush my hair some more I start to put my mascara on and my eyeliner and my black cherry lipstick I look in the mirror noticing that the color black makes my lips look luscious I feel the flat iron it's hot "FUCK!" I yell Daniel knocks on the door "Babe are you okay?" he says through the door "Yeah I'm fine." I say back "Okay hurry up we have 45 minutes." he says "Okay babe." I say while putting on my earrings I grab the flat iron and flatten my hair my brown hair is on my back I grab the curling iron noticing that it's broken I groan in frustration I unplug everything and I look in my bag grabbing my clutch that matches my outfit I pick up Ana and get her dressed then I open the door and walk out to see Daniel at the bottom of the steps I flip my hair "We're ready." I say walking downstairs seeing Daniels face in amazement I try to hold back my smirk "Babe you look a- amazing."he stutters I laugh "Thanks." we lock arms and I hold Ana's hand and walk out the door "the doors are unlocked let

Me just lock the house door." he says I nod my head yes and walk to the car and set little Ana in her car seat I get her buckled in and get in the car my self Daniel runs to the driver side and gets in he starts the car and we drive off holding hands like always "Babe we only have 20 minutes." he says sounding disappointed "Just drop her off at Lina's since Lina is closer." I shrug my shoulders he just continues driving we pull up into Lina's driveway I get out as fast as I can trying not to fall I unbuckle Ana and run to Lina's door I bang on her door she opens it "Hey." she says rubbing her eyes I give her Ana "be back around 9 or 10." I say running back to the car. "okay."she replies I hop Into the car and Daniel speeds off I check everything during the car ride "Baby you loo fine don't worry." Daniel says "Thanks." I say with a smile we finally arrived we get out the truck Daniel gives the keys to valet when we get into the door "Do you have a reservation?" the receptionist makes a snotty remark "Daniel....... Daniel Ilbarra" he says I look around and my eyes land on this man he looks very familiar he's wearing a mint vneck with some jeans and some mint Jordan's he stares me down I follow Daniel to our table when I sit down someone taps me on my shoulder "Aurora is that you?!" The Pearson says "OH MY GOD!" I yell

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