Daniel P.O.V

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I spin Aurora around and kiss her I shut my eyes tightly and hold her when the kiss is over she still didn't look convinced I was sorry I kneeled down and sang "Will you go to prom with me?" I smile a slight smile appears on her face then it goes away "I want a romantic EXPENSIVE dinner and violins also mocha." She has a straight face "Of course anything." I say kissing her hand she goes back into the school I follow her I grab her hand and kiss her neck she smiles the principal grabs me by my arm and drags me to his office "Daniel Ilbarra what is wrong with you!?" he gets angry "Nothing he disre-" he cuts me off "Suspended 4 days!" he says and gives me a signal too go away I leave his office and go to my car I decide I'm going to go to Ana's school and wait until she gets out "Hey baby girl!" I pick her up "Hi daddy!" she smiles I set her in her car seat and strap her in I go back to school and pick up Aurora she gets in the car "hey baby." I say we kiss I drive off and we immediately lock hands when we get home Lina and Lenny are sitting on the couch and Lina has a baby bump and I'm so happy to be an uncle

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