I Feel He Bad News

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~Authors note!~
@yvng_chanel I decided to put you in this chapter so I hope you like it!
Y/n's Pov~
So right now I'm at the squad's crib yo I swear this is like my third home. Reason it's third is because Mouse's house is like my second because I'm over there the more. Right now I'm cracking jokes wit Ziaya she my main A1. She and Mouse are the closes things I call friends because most of the other hoes I called my friend back stabbed.
Ziaya: Yo look at those two cuties over there!
I looked over and damn let me tell you they was fine! One I had my eye and he had his eye on my too. He bite his lip waving for me to come talk to him usually I'm stuck up with my niggas but this one gets a pass. I got up fixing my tie shirt and shorts. Me and Ziaya got up too and was bout leave off the porch.
Mouse: Y'all just gonna leave me?!
Yo on dead dogs I totally forgot about that nigga.
Me: Tell Mari come out and talk to him there problem solve let's go!
I grabbed Ziaya armed as she laughed at the face Mouse made. We finally walked up to them and I had to play a lil hard to get yep this is going to be fun 😏.
Boy: Wassup?
Me: I don't know you tell me?
Boy: I was trying to see what's up with you shawty that's all you too cute to just be siting on a porch all day
He grabbed me by my waist pulling me close to him I smirked pushing away softly.
Me: Sorry but I don't get down fast like that and this shawty has name
He raised his hands in surrender making me giggle.
Boy: Well damn didn't know you was feisty but my bad what's yo name?
Me: Y/n you?
Boy: Oh I'm Giovanni that's my homie K'eon
Me: Okay how old are you?
Giovanni: 16
Me: I'm 14
Giovanni: Wow you look so much older but age difference ain't that bad
Me: Why?
He pulled me by my jean loop and put his hands on my waist whispering in my ear.
Giovanni: Because I can still holla at you... I want you
He kissed my ear and slid something in my back pocket pulling away from the hug. Before he walked away he slapped my ass and winked at me. This boy just don't know that he is breaking me lil by lil. Usually I never let niggas touch me when they want but him...he's different.
Ziaya's Pov~
When I talked to K'eon I swear he was one of the sweetest boys I met. I never met a guy that can respect someone and treat a girl like a lady. And at that he is only 15 I'm 14 so age difference ain't a problem.
K'eon: So you think I can get your number?
I smiled he so sweet he sounded a lil nervous and shy when he asked me.
Me: Sure
He handed me his phone and I handed him mine. I typed in my name saving it. I handed him back his phone kissing his cheek watching his cheeks turn red. I smiled at him putting my phone in my pocket as he held the cheek I kissed him on.
Me: Bye
K'eon: B-bye
I giggled as he soon went to catch up with his friend he is too cute.
Y/n's Pov~
Giovanni: Call me tonight
He and his friend walked away and me and Ziaya fangirled a lil.
Me: Yo he was too fine you got the digits Zia?
Zia: Bitch what it look like?
She pulled out her phone showing his number and we both laughed soon walking back to the porch.
Mouse's Pov~
I saw that whole thing that went down and I. Didn't. Like. One. Bit. Of. It. Something bout that nigga that don't feel right. It's not like I'm jealous about him because I saw Y/n talk to a lot of niggas and it don't really phase me. But wit him... I sense he is bad news for Y/n and I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure Y/n stays away from him. I soon was pulled out of my train of thought wit Y/n snapping and waving in my face. She was repeating my name soon yelling it louder and more annoyed.
Me: Huh?
Y/n: Nigga you need help wit your hearing
She sat down while Zia laughed at what Y/n said I shook my head this chick.
Me: Y/n that boy you just talked to I don't think you should be around him
Y/n: What? Why?!
Zia: Cause he jealous
My face soon turned warm as I looked at Zia with a "are you kidding me face?".
Me: No I'm not! I just feel he's bad news something about him it just don't seem rite...
Y/n: Mouse please I can handle my self I'll be fine don't worry okay?
Me: Okay but I'm just letting you know I'm keeping my eye on ole boy
Y/n shook her head at me giggling she may think I'm just joking or bothering her but rite na I'm dead serious.

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