Chapter Twenty Five

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AN: okay, as to not confuse you readers, this chapter and more to come will be about Eva's past!
Hope you guys enjoyed this story so far, I appreciate all the lovely comments that encourages me to write more! Love you all❤️!!


Eva's little legs swung under the table as she tried to concentrate on her chemistry homework. But how could she when her parents' bickering grew louder and louder?

Sometimes, in the middle of Eva's sleep her father's screams echoed in her head, waking her up from her slumber but found that her mum was all alone at home while her father was somewhere prowling in Gotham's clubs.

A door slamming shut caused Eva to jolt in her seat but remained her head low, she didn't want to see her father. As days went by, she found him uglier, he became more repulsing. His face was no longer pleasant to look at.

Her mother's sigh made her look up, her mother opened the cabinet only to pull out her medicine, a bottle of whiskey.

"Mom...are you okay?" Little Eva muttered under a shakey breath. She hated seeing her mother like this.

As her father grew uglier, her mother grew sadder. Her mother was once radiant, her color was tanned and healthy, her hair was full and silky, her orbs were bright green that you could see it in total darkness. Now, her mother was pale, she lost a lot of weight and didn't eat much- she only cooked for Eva. Her once full and silky hair was now thin and short, her mother didn't feel like caring for it anymore. Her excuse was that she didn't have any time.

"Oh honey, my little Eva.." Eva's mother said, kissing the top of her head. Eva's eyes traveled to her arms, little bruises were starting to form on her mother. Eva knew that it was the bruises caused by her father's fingers. She knew.

Her father was never like this, at least he wasn't so bad long ago. Before, at least Daniel gave a bit of attention to his daughter. Daniel never put a finger on Fiona ever.

Eva didn't notice the sudden change in circumstances, it went by so quick.

It started when Daniel pushed his wife and slammed her against the door. The second time, it was an accidental slap when Diana mixed his white shirt with the rest of the colored clothing accidentally. The third time, Daniel lost his temper and punched his wife.

After that, it became worse and Eva was always there to witness it.

"My little Eva..." Fiona whispered to herself as she sat down on the kitchen table where Eva was studying, leaning her head on the wall.

Fiona glanced at her little girl, a small smile grew on her face. How innocent, how small. An innocent girl who was exposed to her father's violence and black heart.

"Oh Eva, one day...we're gonna get outta here...just be more patient with me darling." Fiona tried to offer a reassuring smile to her daughter while she poured her medicine in her cup.

Eva's heart started to thump, as if it were to fly out of her chest while her eyes flew open.

Her mother's shrilling scream that echoed throughout the apartment sent goosebumps up and down her body.

Eva climbed out of her bed and crept out her room to the living room, the orange light hanging from the ceiling making her shadow bigger than she'll ever be.

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