13 |:| Deeper Connection

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Teiko arc continuation

The junior high tournament was getting closer as the players of Teiko needed to prep themselves;

however, they still need to pass their exams.

"Midorin, may I see your results?" Momoi, who was in charge of checking the players exams, asked.

"Here" He handed her the papers as she then examined it.

"You passed all of them, good work!!" She cheered and returned the exams.

"Now, Aomine-kun, let me see"

He grunted as he gave her his exams.

". . . well, I'm not surprised that you stink at academics"

"Oi, SATSUKI!" He exclaimed.

"You have to retake the exams you failed at. Jeez, you only passed P.E" She sighed.

"Ki-chan, you too"

"Alright alright," Kise sulked.

"What about Akashi? You're not scolding him!" Aomine complained.

"I'm the top student in the grade, so that is out of the question," Akashi casually smiled.

"What about you, Sacchin?" Murasakibara asked.

"I'm number four!" She replied

"I'm right in the middle. . ." Kuroko said.

"How average"

Just then, Rindou walked into the gym.

"Hello, Kaeriin!"

"Yo, senpai. What's with the gathering?" She asked.

"We have to make sure everyone passed their exams before the tournament" Momoi explained and held out her hands.

Rindou stared for a second, "W-What?"

"I need to see your results, silly!"

"Results. . .--is that what the yellow envelope was for?" Rindou asked.

"Yikes, I threw it in the dumpster"


"I didn't know that they were important"

"Hurry up and go find it!" Momoi yelled.

"Yeah. . ." Rindou started walking.

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