Noticed by the Bad boy

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"It's my birthday!!" My best friend, Abigail, said for like the millionth time.

"Abigail, I swear to god, if you say that one more time, you will have a more hurt hand than there already is!" She finally, for once in her life, shut her mouth.......... For 10 seconds!

After those magical 10 seconds, she went back to saying how amazing her birthday will be. To be honest, I'm not excited. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love her like a sister but she has 3 friends that I really don't like. My other friends, Jacey and Penelope, would agree with me.

Jacey. I've known her basically my whole life. I've known her the longest of the three of those dorks. I've known her since kindergarten. Funny story really. She literally just came up to me at recess and asked if I wanted to be her friend! It's still funny how we are still best friends!

Anyways onto Penelope! I've known her not as long as Jacey by one year. So yes, I've known her since first grade. We didn't have the same class like Jacey and I did when we met but it was at recess. She introduced Jacey and I to Abigail.

And lastly Abigail. She's....... different to say the least. She can get really annoying at some times but she's still really weird and funny...... like the rest of us. But that's why we're friends, because we are all so alike in all the same ways.

Anyways, my name is Claire and this is my life. Now that you know my best friends, let's get on with the rest of school.

"I'm so bored Claire!" Abigail chirped.

"Abigail, I'm trying to learn, we're in AVID, Mrs.Stevens will get on your butt if she sees you being bored IN HER CLASS!"

Ahhh AVID! My favorite class of the day! AVID is a college readiness program that helps you with organization and get ready with college. I was in this class last year, 11th grade, but sadly my last teacher, Coach Croak, moved last year.

" I know, I know, geez being rude on my birthday!" She said in a sarcastic tone.


"Sorry Mrs.Stevens." Abigail muttered.

The best part was.............. SHE FINALLY STOPPED TALKING!!!!

————————Lunch Time!!!—————————

I sat at my usual table with Penelope. Abigail switches tables with us and her "other amazing friends!" NOTE THE SARCASM!

Meet Brooke, Tabby, and Kacee. These aren't mean girls if that's what you guys are thinking. Penelope, Jacey and I just don't like them because every time Abigail is near them, she always ignores us! Now do you see why I'm not excited for her birthday party?

"Hey alien friend!" Penelope practically shouted.

"I had a thing, now what was it called, oh! Eardrums! Yeah I lost those from a friend shouting at me!" I said in my most sarcastic voice.

"Oh yeah eardrums bla! bla! bla!" She burst out laughing at the end. Her laugh got contagious and I burst out laughing too.

"What are you losers laughing about? A sick voice rang out.

"Get out of here Melody you're just jealous we have friends and you don't." Said Penelope in a snarky voice.

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