The Swap

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I glanced at it to see multiple texts from my friends and my brother asking where I am. That's not what surprised me though. It was a text from E.

E: Actually. There's more than you think.


What am I supposed to do? I'm trapped behind a bakery with crazy people who stalk me 24/7. I can't call anybody because I don't want them to get hurt. My phone buzzed indicating someone is calling me. It was Alex. I decided to answer it.

"Claire? Where did you go??" He asked immediately.

"Shhh! Be quiet! Are you trying to get me killed??" I asked quietly.

"Killed? What are you talking about??" He asked.

"Let's just say there is more than I thought there were." I said.

I heard whispers in the background. Suddenly, they both lunged all at once looking at my phone. I grabbed my gun and pointed it at them causing them to freeze.

"Come anywhere near me and you won't like the outcomes." I threatened them. They both stared at the gun. I watched them curiously as to what they were doing. I forgot I had Alex on the phone for the situation at hand.

I backed away slowly while still pointing the gun at them. They suddenly sprinted toward me and I spun around and ran. Did they forget that I have a gun?

I rolled my eyes and shot a warning fire towards them. Seconds later, I heard fires being shot back.

"They have gun??" I mumbled to myself.

"Claire, are you there?" Alex asked sounding panicked.

I ran around a corner and watched as the hooded people ran past me. I then grabbed my phone out of my pocket to answer.

"Yeah, I'm still here somehow." I panted.

"What was that banging sound?" He asked.

"What do you think it was Alex?" I asked.

"I don't know! Why do you think I asked?" He asked and I could sense a little bit of humor in his tone.

I heard a crash a minute later. What was that?

"Claire. What was that crash?" He asked again voicing out my thoughts.

"I don't know but I'm heading home." I said before almost hanging up.

"Don't you dare hang up on me missy or you'll have to feel my wrath." He said.

"Ugh fine whiney baby." I did but continued to walk home occasionally looking behind me.

I felt my phone vibrate and I knew who it was without looking at it. I groaned before shutting my mouth, realizing that Alex was still on the phone.

"Claire, what was that?" He asked suspiciously.

"Oh what? Nothing." I said a little too quickly.

"Mhmmm." He hummed knowing I'm lying.

I checked my text messages. Of course it was E who decided to text me. My eyes widened as I looked at it.

E: Hang up the phone or he gets it.

Under it was a picture of Scout in a cage looking like he was about to murder the person.

"I'm home now. See you later." I lied.

"Claire why are you ly-" I hung up before he could finish his sentence.

Me: What do you want?

E: You.

                      ALEX'S POV

"Guys she just hung up on me randomly." I told Jason and Baxter.

"This is insane! Who was chasing her and shooting at her?" Baxter asked frantically.

"By the way guys, where's Scout?" Jason asked suddenly.

We all looked around to see he wasn't there anymore. We all shared a look before running around my house to find him. A sudden shout from Baxter caused us to run back down to where we were before.

There was a note in Baxter's hand when we finally reached him.

Thanks for the dog. Now for the girl that didn't die when I wanted her to.

We all looked at each other before grabbing our phones and calling Claire.
It rang once. Twice. Three times. She didn't answer.

"Ok this is enough! Who is E?! What does she want from Claire and us!" Baxter shouted after reading the note.

"I don't know but whoever it is obviously came into my house and took Scout to get Claire to come to them." I said.

                     CLAIRE'S POV

I walked toward the address. I kept hearing my phone go off and I knew E has something to do with it. I decided to answer Baxter's millionth call because they were annoying me.

"Yes?" I asked sweetly.

"Claire! Don't go to where Scout is! It's a trap!" He shouted through the call making me move the phone away from my ear.

"Too late. I don't care what happens to me. Scout will be home soon." I said before hanging up.

I soon found myself face to hood with E. Scout was released from his cage and he ran over to me. I kneeled down to him and he whined, knowing what I was doing.

"Run boy. Go to Jason. He'll take care of you from now on. Don't worry about me." I said and stood back up.

Scout whined again and stood his place.

"Go Scout." I said and he gave me one last sad look before running off.

"There. Now you have me. Let's go." I stated firmly. I winced in pain when E grabbed my wrist firmly and tight as she led me away.

Goodbye everyone because I know E won't let me go now that she has me.

                 SCOUT'S POV

I can't believe I just left her. She's now stuck with that crazy person. I couldn't even see who it was!

I sprinted back towards the city and soon found myself at Alex's house. The door suddenly bursts open startling me. The boys froze when they saw

"Scout?!" They all said at one in surprise.

I whined and walked towards them with my head down. They all watched me until I laid down next to them.

They kneeled down beside me and started to pet me. I looked towards Alex sending him my memory.

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