The Surprise

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"Don't hurt me! Stay away, Dad!" I shouted at the flash that was my dad.

Black dots blurred my vision and I collapsed.

                   JASON'S POV

I looked back over to Claire once Baxter shouted that she was having a panic attack. We all stopped shouting and panicking once we realized he was right.

We all ran over to her. "Did we cause this?" We all muttered at the same time. Scout whined. Jacey, Penelope, and Abigail looked horrible when they all saw Claire. Alex was looking at Claire as if this is new to him.

She suddenly screamed and ran over to the corner. We all watched her making sure she didn't try to book it out of here. I could tell she couldn't breathe still so I decided to slowly walk towards her. I looked over at Baxter and he nodded his head already knowing what I was asking.

As I walked towards her, more fear showed in her eyes and I froze at what she suddenly screamed.

"Don't hurt me! Stay away, Dad!"

What? Did she just call me

I looked back at everybody and they all looked at me in shock. They probably didn't expect her to call me that. My mom looked at me with tears in her eyes. She knew what happened to her. Realization dawned on me when I figured that out.

I heard a loud thud from behind me and I saw Claire. Crap. I forgot about her panic attack.

I started rushing toward her and I saw Baxter and Scout already there. Baxter had tears in his eyes and I could see the sadness in Scouts eyes without him even howling in sadness.

Baxter lightly touched her head and his eyes widened. "Dude. She hit her head and its bleeding!" He said in worry.

I looked at her head and sure enough it was bleeding. That doesn't look good. As soon as they heard what happened, Scout and Alex ran over to us and looked at Claire.

Scout licked her and rubbed his head into her hand but she didn't react like she normally would. He whined and looked at Alex then to me. He padded over to me and looked at me like a lost puppy.

I glanced up at Baxter and Alex and they were smiling at Scout and I. I didn't think Scout would warm up to me so easily just like that. Apparently Alex and Baxter thought the same thing.

I looked back down at Scout when I heard a whine and felt fur on my hand. Sure enough, Scout saw my attention was on him and he lightly licked me, his head snapped to Claire, then back to me.

Realization dawned on me seconds later and I saw Alex pick Claire up. Jealousy stung my chest but I pushed the feeling back down not wanting to get mad for him helping Claire.

I looked at Claire while we walked. She wasn't moving and I was getting worried. Scout suddenly let out an agonizing howl. We all turned to him with wide eyes. What is going on? He wasn't looking at us though. He was looking behind us. I tried to turn around but Scout's growl stopped me.

He suddenly jerked forward and tackled something. There in front of us was my own sister. She's still alive?! I shot her though! Along with my ex and Melody! How is she alive!

"To answer your question that I know you're asking in your head, I had a bulletproof vest on so it didn't hit me." She said and pulled Scout off of her.

Scout growled but stayed back when Baxter lightly pet him. Scout was still suspicious but calmed down a little.

"What were you about to do, Anna?" I asked coldly while staring at her with a mischievous smile on my face. I cut her off when she was about to say something.

"Don't even dare lie to me either or else Scout will kill you." I said and her eyes widened when Scout howled in agreement.

"H-He can u-understand you?!" She stuttered with wide eyes.

"Stop avoiding my questions Anna!" I shouted and Scout growled and stepped forward. I reached down and pet him for comfort to calm him down and he howled faintly in happiness.

"Calm yourself there little buddy." I told him and he nodded his head.

I looked back at Anna and she was.....smirking? Suddenly a shot rang out.


It all happened so fast. I saw Sarah, Anna, and Melody sprint off as fast as they could. Scout was on the ground panting. I ran over to him and saw he was the one shot. "SCOUT!" I shouted and picked him up.

Someone ran in and I lifted my gun but dropped it when I saw Henry, Alex and Baxter standing there. They all watched me with wide eyes as they saw Scout.

"Guys come on! We need to take him to a vet fast!" Alex stepped forward with a... pets aid kit?

I nodded and he worked. Five minutes later, Scout was up and running around. Thank god. Claire-

"CLAIRE!" I shouted realizing she was in the building. They all looked at me in shock.


Sure enough there was only a note where she was before.

Dear Jason,

I warned you. You should have listened. Good luck with Scout. It wasn't going to kill him. We just wanted to drag your precious attention away from your love. We have her now. This time though.....................


The Light of Fire Gang.

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