Mom, Dad, and New Friend

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I sprinted all the way to the address with the guys hot on my trail but I couldn't care less.

I snuck into the house easily and saw the most horrible sight my eyes could lay on.


                    CLAIRE'S POV

There I saw my mom unconscious on the floor. She has bruises everywhere you looked. She was extremely skinny meaning these people didn't even feed her. When I get my hands on them-

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of two easily recognizable voices. I scowled at the sight of them as I peered around the corner.

"We can't keep doing this Will! This will kill her eventually! I can't keep trying to kill my own daughter which so happens to be YOUR NEICE! What has she EVER done to you to want her dead huh?!" My dad shouted at him. Geez I don't even know the answer to that question.

"She's a mistake. She doesn't deserve a good life. Besides she with my rival's leader. Yeah you heard me right. She's hanging out with that idiot Jason! I've been planning on using her to kill Jason. Actually you know what? Go and get her NOW or else your little wife her is dead!" With that I couldn't listen anymore.

I jumped out of my hiding spot. "Are you looking for your niece? Well I'm right here! Come at me and see what happens!" I told him sternly and surprisingly calm. Un- you know what? I'm not going to call him uncle because he lost that title a long time ago.

He still held his ground but didn't make any move toward me.

"Aww is WILL scared? You try to be all tough but you're really just a coward! Hiding behind my dad and using my mom against my dad because you're too scared to do it is the COWARD thing to do. To be honest I'm not that surprised. I already knew you were a coward."

Laughter erupted from WILL'S mouth. Why is he laughing?!

"Hey shut up! I'm the one holding a gun!" I shouted at him and he tried to reach into his back pocket slowly but I shot his hand and that stopped him.

He gave me a glare and that's only when I noticed my dad took Will's gun and pointed it toward him.

My dad started laughing and I got confused. I looked behind me slightly to see the boys there looking at me. I smiled at them and they smiled back.

"Ok I've had enough of you. Bye. Nice not knowing you." I said still looking at the boys. They got all confused.

BANG!!! BANG!!!!!!!!!!! BANG!!!!!!

I was still looking at the boys and heard a body fall to the ground.  That's when I realized something. I only shot two times!

I looked back to see my dad about to fall. "DAD!" I shouted running toward him and helping him stand.

"Baxter, help me!" I shouted at him snapping him out of his shocked state.

Baxter ran over to me and helped me. Alex and Jason just looked like idiots.

"Alex! Jason! Go and help my mom, you idiots! They gave me stupid smiles then ran over to my mom.

I called an ambulance.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hello. Um I found my mom unconscious and my dad was shot. I was lucky to shoot the person who did this and I think he's dead but I can't be completely sure." I said all in one breath.

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