Claire's Panic

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Please, Claire be ok. I need you. Baxter needs you. Your friends need you. But more importantly......

Jason needs you.


Once we found out that Claire was being rushed to the hospital, Jacey, Abagail and I hopped into my car and sped to the hospital.

The only thing we knew was that she was bleeding badly from something. Nobody but Scout knows from what. We all think it was from animals though. Actually no, not think, we know. I mean she WAS in the woods where there were ferocious animals.

We ran inside to see Scout, Jason, Alex and Baxter already there. Alex was sitting down with his head in his hands. Baxter was sitting on the ground with Scout whining in his lap.

Jason was the worst of all though. He was pacing back and forth. Back and forth. Oh and guess what? Back and forth. He was mumbling to himself while pacing. We all looked at him because we all knew he loved her. He couldn't do anything about this either. He wants to help her but now there's nothing he could do to help her.

"Have you heard any news about her yet?" I asked while looking at them. I heard a sigh and looked over at Jason. He looked as if he was about to die. His face was pale and he looked like he hasn't slept in a whole month.

"No news yet. They had to get her into surgery immediately. They won't tell us anything until after she gets out of surgery." He said sadly, turning around to avoid eye contact.

Geez. Jason really needs Claire. Please Claire, pull through this because I don't know or want to know what will happen to Jason if you don't.


                       JASON'S POV

It's been three months! Three months since Claire was put into the hospital! I haven't slept ever since the day she was admitted into the hospital. I haven't even spoke that much either.

My mom has been forcing me to go back to school since I have skipped so much. The thought of school always gets my mind to think about Claire. See so going to freak out when she wakes up. Yes, I did just say when and not if. I know she will make it. It's just a matter of time.

Nothing much has changed with everybody else except Scout. Scout won't eat or drink much. All he does is whine. I feel so bad for him when I have to force him to eat. I knew Claire wouldn't want him to act this was. Knowing her, she'd probably blame herself!

Oh great and as you can tell, I can't get my mind off of her! Every time I try to change the subject in my brain, it always somehow goes back to her.

I started walking through the doors of the hospital but froze at what I saw. Holy crap!

                    CLAIRE'S POV

I woke up with a jolt. Another hospital??? What happened to me? I shook my head and took a glance at around the room.

The last thing I remembered was making fun of Alex but the rest was a blur. I looked at my arms to see many IVs in my arms. I frantically took them off because as you all know, I hate needles!

While I was taking them off, me being my clumsy self, fell off the bed. I landed with a loud thud and pain was all I felt. I hissed at the pain but stood up anyways. I saw a pair of clothes in the bathroom so I limped over to them and put them on.

I silently walked out of my room and headed towards the exit. I didn't even realize the sudden pain in my foot and I almost fell. I looked down to see it was swollen really badly and I had a cast on it.

That's when it all came back to me. The humiliation. The spaced out walk. The woods. Lastly, the attack of the animals.

I felt my throat clog my breathing and I fell to the ground. This seemed to cause attention because nurses ran over and started to panic. They had no idea what was going on at this moment so they had no idea what they were doing.

I heard someone shoving past them but I couldn't see who it was. I felt someone pick me up and put me on their lap. I slowly looked up to see Jason sitting there looking at me in worry and sadness.


I ran over to Claire seeing as she was on the floor. What is going on?! I looked at her and saw that she was wheezing on the floor. That's when I realized she was having another panic attack.

"Move out of the way! She's having a panic attack!" I shouted shoving many nurses out of my way. They glared at me as I shoved them. I didn't pay any attention to them.

I sat down next to Claire and put her on my lap. I could tell she either remembered something before this or she remembered the animal attack.

I tried to calm her down by rocking her gently back and forth. Her breathing stopped completely when I rubbed her side gently. I looked at her body and saw it was the biggest scar she had. What caused this?

                     CLAIRE'S POV

Jason rocked me back and forth trying to calm me down. His hand rubbed gently on my side and I froze. I remember exactly how I got this scar over all of the others and it was the worst one that I had.

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