Animal Attack

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"Guys. She's in the middle of the woods. The dangerous woods where all the ferocious animals are." I said sadly.


Once those words left his mouth, I froze. Those woods is the most dangerous place in the world. Anybody who has been in those woods, never came back out.

I started to pace back and forth. Everybody was freaking out but not as much as me. Scout was howling and whining. Alex was talking frantically with Baxter. Penelope, Jacey and Abigail were talking with each other with tears threatening to fall from their eyes.

Everybody suddenly looked over at me, which I was still pacing back and forth. I froze from my spot when they all came over to me.

I gave them a confused look and I heard a sigh. Baxter stepped forward with Scout by his side.

"We have an idea but just so you know it wasn't our idea." I nodded slowly silently telling him to continue.

"Scout is going to go find her by himself." He said sadly looking at Scout.

"Are you insane? What if he never comes back?! Do you know how devastated Claire will be if he doesn't come back?! She'll die if guilt knowing her! There's got to be another way!" I said starting to pace again.

I paused from my pacing again when I felt fur rub on me. I looked at Scout to see him looking at me with sad but determined eyes. He gave me the puppy dog face and whined making me cave.

"Fine. Please don't get killed little buddy. Claire needs you." I said as I kneeled down to pet him on the head.

"I'll drive him there." I suggested and everybody nodded, heading towards their cars.


I wandered around not knowing what to do. My phone was dead and nobody knows where I am. It's also still pitch black outside so I couldn't see anything either.

That's when I remembered something. I have powers!

"Night vision." I said and soon enough, I could see. I wish I remembered this earlier because I noticed something.

I was surrounded by animals. They didn't look friendly like Scout either if that's what you're thinking.

I tried to call Baxter but the same No Service showed up again. I raised it higher and it got a little signal. Yes!

"Hello Claire?!" Baxter shouted and you could hear the worry.

"Baxter. I just wanted to say, I love you. I'm surrounded by animals and they are closing in." I said in a sad tone.

"No, please don't say that Claire. You'll make it." I heard him say but he was interrupted by my scream.

I was scratched and bit in both of my legs so I fell to the ground.

"Claire? Claire! Are you ok? What's happening?!" I faintly heard Baxter shout into the phone. The animals were ripping me apart one by one so I said the only thing I could think of.

"Goodbye Baxter."


I started to freak out when she wouldn't answer. I was about to ask again until I heard her mutter.

"Goodbye Baxter." No!

"Claire?! Claire!" She wasn't answering but I could hear tearing and snarls. Those animals are ripping her apart!

I ended the call and immediately called Jason. After three rings, he answered.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Jason! Claire just called me and animals are tearing her apart right now!" I shouted scared for her life.

"What?! Ok, ok, ok, ok. We need to stay calm. Scout is on his way! It seems as though he already knew where he was." He said trying to act calm but I knew he was freaking out.

"I hope he finds her." I said sadly before ending the call.


I followed her scent which was very fresh. As I got closer and closer, I could hear snarls and tearing. The worst part was that I could also smell blood.

As soon as I smelt her scent strongly, I stopped looking at the scene. There was  Claire laying there lifeless with a bear, wolf and many other animals attacking her.

I growled at them and they turned to look at me. All of the animals ran away after one look from me. What was that?

I whined when I saw Claire. There was no place that was no blood at. Blood was all around her. I couldn't stand to look anymore so I ran over and licked her hoping to get some reaction. Nothing.

I put her on my back, which isn't very easy by the way, and sprinted back to where Jason was. When I got there, Jason froze when he saw me approaching with Claire. All of the color left his face as I whined and showed him Claire.

"Oh my god." I think I heard him mutter.

He picked her up and I whined again. He looked at me and I inspected his face for a minute. His eyes showed pain and fear and tears were threading to fall. His hair was all messed up as if he was running his hands through his hair while I was gone.

He looked away and put Claire in the back seat gently. I jumped in beside her and kept licking her as if she would have any reaction.

I could see Jason frantically driving and sneaking glances back at Claire. The thought made me fell happy that he cared so much about Claire. I was wondering to myself why they weren't a couple. As if reading my thoughts, Jason spoke.

"I'm scared to ask her out Scout. Now that this has happened, I may not even have a chance to." He said, his voice cracking as he thought about what can happen.

Please Claire, be ok. I need you. Baxter needs you. Your friends needs you. But more importantly......

Jason needs you.

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