The Second Sister

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I remember exactly how I got this scar over all the others and it was the worst one I had.

                    SCOUT'S POV

I could sense something was wrong. I looked around until my senses told me to go to Claire. I whined when I thought of her. I haven't seen her for a day but I missed her really badly. I followed my senses and ran to the hospital.

When I got there, I saw Jason sitting on the floor rocking. Wow. I knew he was crazy but dang. I cocked my head and looked around him. I whined when I saw Claire sitting there crying her eyes out.

I ran over to her and she looked up. Her eyes lit up a little when she saw me and jerked toward me. I barked happily and sat in front of her. She hugged me really tight but I didn't care.

I licked her and she laughed. I glanced over at Jason and he was smiling at me. I walked over to him and licked at him. He chuckled but then pointed behind me. I looked behind me and Claire was looking at me.

I looked at Jason slightly before going back over to Claire, who pet me as soon as I reached her. I knew I loved this because I missed seeing her like this. She was a much stronger girl than she was when I first met her. Even though she was stronger, she managed to still have a big heart. That was what I loved most about her.

                     CLAIRE'S POV

It's been weeks since that day at the hospital. Nothing much has happened and I'm relived. I've been needing a break. Sadly, today was the end of that.

Here's what happened.

---------------ONE WEEK AGO-----------

I was just sitting at home watching Tv when the doorbell rang. It was Sunday so the mail was bound to come sooner or later. I groaned not wanting to get up but I got my lazy butt up.

I opened the door and there was one letter with my parents names on them. I looked at it questioningly then picked it up. Hopefully my mom won't mind if I opened it.

I ripped it open and I gasped in surprise. Oh crap. I forgot about school!!!  These months have been so stressful and eventful that I didn't even realize I've been skipping school.

Dear Mr. And Mrs.McKinley (forgot to mention her last name, sorry!)

We have noticed that your daughter, Claire McKinley, has been absent from school these past months and we are very concerned with her grades and school work. We would like to inform you that if she doesn't come back to school this Monday, then she will be expelled.

Thank you,

River Valley High School ( also forgot to mention the school name, sorry again!)


As you probably know, when my mom found out, she made me go back. Sadly, today is now that day. Jason got the same notice as well and let's just say his mom may have overreacted a little. By that, I mean he got grounded until he was 20. I don't know if she was kidding or not either.

Anyways, I got ready for school. I had about 10 minutes last until I had to leave. I decided to have a quick bite to eat and then start walking to school.

10 minutes later, I walked out of my house and locked the door. Before I could turn around, someone blocked my view with their hands. I freaked out a little because I didn't know who it was so I did the only thing I thought of.

I slowly lifted my leg up and kicked the guy. You guys know what I did. He groaned and fell to the floor. I started to laugh hysterically when I realized who it was.

"Jesus woman, why?! Every time! Remind me to not sneak up on you EVER again!" He groaned and sat up.

"Maybe you should get that by now." I said still laughing.

"Oh you think it's funny?" He asked and smirked at me.

My eyes widened when I saw him get up and look at me with mischievous eyes. Oh no! I pushed past him and started laughing as I glanced at him to see he stumbled.

"Get back here, Claire!" He shouted.

"You know you'll never catch me but try to catch me if you can Jason!" I shouted at him while running.

Don't worry people. I remembered to grab my school stuff before I started sprinting.

I didn't stop running until I made it to school. I slowed to a stop and looked around. No Jason. Where did he go? I slowly walked around a little but I still couldn't find him.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked back to the school. I got strange and curious looks from the students as I walked past them. I payed no mind to them though. As I walked past an empty classroom, I was suddenly pulled roughly into it.

"Ow!" I shouted as I was pulled in. I looked around the classroom to see I was in Mrs.Stevens room. Why would I be pulled in here for?

"Hey! I pulled you in here for a reason!" A squeaky and unfamiliar voice shouted. I have her a bored look.

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever you say Miss Squeaky Voice. Now, what do you want?" I asked feeling extremely bored and annoyed.

"Listen here and listen good. I know you were the one that got rid of my sister but you won't get rid of me! Stay away from me and my sister it you'll be sorry. By the way in case you wanted to know, my name is Emma." She threatened, sadly it didn't work since I wasn't scared of her.

"Gladly but what will you do if I don't? Deaf me with your annoying voice? By the way, I don't care about your stupid name." I asked laughing as I turned and started walking off. Sadly, I was caught off guard when she dug her nails into my wrist and pulled me back to her.

"Don't use that attitude with me. I rule this school and I can ruin. Your. Life." She said and this caused me to laugh.

"That's funny. Your sister said the same thing but look what happened to her." I said smirking as she dug her nail more into my wrist. I felt the pain beating like a drum but I pushed the feeling down. I could also feel blood ooze down arm. Well, now I'm going to have to hide this from everybody.

I felt a sharp pain to my wrist but I payed no mind to it. I roughly pulled my arm away from her grasp, gave her a fake smile, and walked out. I stopped when I felt unbearable pain shoot up my arm. My eyes widened when I saw my wrist. When did this happen?!

My wrist was bend in the completely wrong way

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My wrist was bend in the completely wrong way. Did she just break my wrist?! How am I going to hide this?! I figured out what she did. She bent my wrist! Oh, she is so going to get it!

Game on Emma. Game on!

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