Anger Issues

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I was at school when I saw the idiot or Jason if you didn't know who I was talking about. Henry was with him as well. I haven't talked to Henry in a while.

I noticed that they FINALLY found out I was glaring at them. Henry motioned in my way as if I couldn't see him. Suddenly, Jason looked behind from Henry giving me a confused look.

I did something before thinking about it.

I just flipped off the bad boy!

He looked extremely confused and surprised by my actions. He knew I didn't say or do anything that has to do with cussing. I gave Henry a pleasant smile before looking back at Jason and flipping him off once more.

I glared at him once more before turning on heel and leaving. In the distance, I heard Henry's laughter and saying something about him screwing up.

Before I could even say anything, three people that I couldn't make out grabbed me and pulled me into an empty classroom. The lights flickered on.

There were Jacey,Penelope, and Abigail with sad looks on their face. I knew exactly what they wanted. To be honest, I'm not even mad anymore.

With everything's that happened, I've missed them. Yes, I missed them even when they told me you know what.

"Claire. Please let us explain-" They all said at the same time but I cut them off by hugging them. They all froze probably surprised but after a couple of seconds hugged me back.

We pulled back after a couple seconds by a voice.

"Awww the girls are back together. You guys deserve each other."

I don't know what happened to me at that time but I could feel the anger go through my veins. I burst by the sound of her voice. I burst out of anger of Melody thinking she can talk to people like that.

"YOU KNOW WHAT MELODY YOU CAN SHUT UP BEFORE I LOSE IT!!" I shouted to where probably China could hear me. Melody looked shocked and scared at the same time.

I took a step towards her and she stepped back in fear. I smirked at her when I kept going towards her until her back was to the wall. She looked back at the wall then back at me shaking with fear.

"Aww is Melody scared? Well that's too bad." SMACK!!! I slapped her right on her right cheek and she screamed in pain. But I was far from done. She messed with me. She messed with my friends. AND SHE WILL PAY!!

Penelope, Jacey, and Abigail stood back because they knew not to mess with me when I'm like this. This isn't the real me right now. This is my anger taking control. Once it gets out of control, it won't stop until it get revenge.

Suddenly, the door burst open but I kept smacking Melody. I heard a voice screaming me name but I couldn't hear who it was. All I was focused on was Melody. Two strong arms lifted me off Melody.

"PUT ME DOWN!!! LET ME AT HER!! SHE NEEDS TO PAY!!" I shouted at the person holding me but nothing. This person wasn't going to let me go.

I screamed and tried to get out of the grip until suddenly I couldn't feel or do anything. I stopped. I couldn't move. That's when I looked down and saw blood and loads of it. It was my blood. I looked up to see a knife in Melody's hand with MY blood on it.

And that's when I realized, MELODY STABBED ME!! I still couldn't feel anything but I ripped myself away from the arms and lunged for the knife. Melody was caught off guard and I grabbed the knife. I held the knife in front of her showing her what I was about to do.

She soon realized what I meant and ran for the door. I was quicker than her and blocked the door before she could escape. I was loosing so much blood but I didn't care. I was going to get revenge.

I looked at Melody and stopped myself. What was I doing? Is my anger really that bad? Was I about to MURDER Melody? What is wrong with me? Anxiety came at me in one huge wave. I couldn't breathe and I was still loosing blood.

Melody was already gone when I threw the knife away from me. I felt the two large arms catch me before I hit the ground shouting my name.


And that was the last thing I heard before everything went dark.

                     JASON'S POV

Where is Claire? I saw Penelope, Jacey, and Abigail together before they all disappeared. Are they all with Claire?

I decided to go and find them. I was looking through the halls when I heard shouting from an empty classroom.

"YOU KNOW WHAT MELODY, YOU CAN SHUT UP BEFORE I LOSE IT!!" Shouted an all too familiar voice. Claire....?!

I heard a bang and I knew someone is against the wall. Is Claire in trouble? Please let her be ok! My train of thought was interrupted when I heard a slap. I snapped out of it and barged in the door to see a sight I'd never thought I'd see.

Claire is beating up Melody?? Since when has she been a violent person?

"Jason! She's losing control! You need to stop her before she kills her!!" I turned to see all three of them yelling at me. Losing control? What's that supposed to mean? When has Claire lost control?

I immediately ran up toward Claire and dragged her away from the scared Melody. I was surprised at what she said next.

"PUT ME DOWN!! LET ME AT HER!!! SHE NEEDS TO PAY!!!" This wasn't Claire. This isn't the girl I met. What happened to her? Is this anger? Is this the same thing I have but......worse? Nobody has ever had worse anger issues than me! Who knew this girl out of anyone could have such bad anger issues?

Claire was trying hard to get out of my hold until suddenly, she stopped completely. I looked down at her to see her shirt covered in blood. What the heck?! I looked back at Melody to see she had a knife with MY girl's blood on it. Did she just-?

Claire suddenly realized what happened and ripped out of my grip surprising me. She jerked forward surprising Melody and grabbing the knife.

Melody sprinted to the door but Claire was too fast. I looked at her eyes and saw Claire's eyes weren't the sweet, innocent ones I met before. They were now cold and deadly.

Claire took one look at Melody and stopped. I sighed in relief. Melody took Claire's confusing state at her advantage and ran out of the classroom. Claire suddenly threw the knife away and fell to her knees. I quickly ran to her and caught her before she could get anymore hurt.

It was my fault she got stabbed. If I wasn't thinking I could've been the one hurt, not her. God I'm a gang leader and I can't even help this poor girl. She's been kidnapped, had been in the hospital even more than me and she got stabbed even when I was here.

I looked back at Claire to see she was closing her eyes. "CLAIRE!! NO! DON'T LEAVE ME!!

Penelope, Jacey and Abigail called the ambulance while I grabbed something to help stop the blood flowing but it never stopped. I can't lose her. Please let her live!

The ambulance siren was coming closer but Claire's heartbeat was beating slower and slower by the second.

When the ambulance got here, her heartbeat was gone.

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