Unknown and a Chase

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"Next time you'll know not to mess with me. If you EVER try to put a needle in my head and try to make me lose my memory again, REMEMBER THIS DAY!" She said deadly and cold before punching him one last time knocking him out.

(Four days later)
I can't believe I actually did that! Ha, it was funny though. It's been four days and I haven't seen Steward since then. My dad hasn't sent me anymore notes either but I doubt that was the last I will see him. I'm no longer scared of anything anymore that included kidnaping and all that. I can protect myself and you all have seen that when I beat the crap out of Steward and kicked Jason you know where.

Oh yeah! Jason and I have been hanging out a lot more often because he's getting more protective of me since these days, everybody thinks Jason likes me and targets me so that I can be his weak point. HA! That's funny. A gang leader like him actually having a weakness. YEAH RIGHT! He doesn't have a weakness!

I'm just a friend to him. I might want more but I already know he doesn't. That's why I decide to keep it inside and never let my emotions show.

The rest of the day turned out normal which means nothing else happened.

Little did she know that someone has been watching her since the day she beat the crap out of Steward.

(The day she beat up Steward)

"Are you ready boss? This is your chance to get her before it's too late." Steward told me.

"SHUT UP STEWARD! I'm already ready. I'm going in 3! 2! 1! WHAT THE?!" I suddenly shouted seeing Claire shout Steward's name and running out. Crap she's after that idiot! He didn't do it right! He's such an idiot! He should have known better!

"Steward, she is on her way." I said not telling him what's really going to happen. I smirked hoping he will lose. That's what you get! You failed me!

I ran after her keeping my distance from both her and Jason who was chasing after her. She wasn't even panting when she ran ten blocks while Fatty Mc Fatterson here was panting. Ha fatty!

I was surprised when she shouted at him and beat the living crap out of him. I was actually getting a bit worried about that there's a possibility that I will be in that situation soon.

That's right readers! I'm coming after her when the time is right!

This time though....


(His beat down day)

Today was the day. Today is when Claire will be all MINE! She will no longer remember anything.

"Steward, she is on her way." Said my boss through my ear piece. 

Game time!!

The doorbell rang on cue and I opened it with a smirk on my face. "Hey Claire what's up?'' I asked innocently knowing she won't remember what happened and that she will be crying. Instead, she looked really angry. What the crap?

"Listen I remember you donkey! You tried to make me forget everything! Now this is what you get!! I caught a glimpse of Jason behind her already seeming to know what was going to happen and a second later Claire threw a punch at me.

Dang! She's so strong! Where did this come from?! Someone pulled her away from me but I'm losing consciousness to see who it was.

The last thing I heard before I lost consciousness was "Next time you'll know not to mess with me. If you EVER try to put a needle in my head and try to make me lose my manors again, REMEMBER THIS DAY!!! Claire shouted at me before I passed out.

(Present Time)

Currently, Penelope, Jacey, Abigail and I are hanging out at the mall. I've missed hanging out with them and I don't really care about everything that has happened between us. Suddenly I felt as if someone was watching us.

I turned around making the girls stop and ask me what's wrong. I swear I saw someone looking at us and then when the person noticed I saw whoever it was, sprinted away.

"Girls someone was watching us and I'm going after them. Stay here and don't let anyone touch you or talk to you. I'll be right back." I shouted at them and sprinted after the person.

I faintly saw the hooded person running towards the exit. I sprinted after them and they turned around but I couldn't see who it was. They noticed that I was following them and ran out of the building. My anger was taking control and forced me to run as fast as I could. 

In no time, I caught up to the person. The person turned around faintly to see if I was there and stopped whenever they couldn't see me but really I was hiding behind a car right next to the person.

Whenever they started to walk away, I grabbed their door making them topple to the ground. I pinned the person down but they wouldn't stop struggling. I slapped them and they finally stopped.

I pulled down the hoodie and was surprised to see this person.

What the heck is this?!

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