Frenzied Panic Attack

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What? What is she doing here? How is she-

There was my.........................................


There was my mom talking with Claire. They were laughing and it looked my mom was helping Claire stand. I thought she was dead!

There was no way this was my mom, my blood. If it wasn't her, then who was really with me?


My mom and I were going to the grocery store to get some things for dinner. We grabbed everything we needed until we started hearing shouts.

My mom's eyes widened as if she knew this was going to happen.

"Jason. Run and don't stop no matter what. Do you understand?" She asked me but I shook my head no.

"I won't leave you here!" I shouted being stubborn.

"This was going to happen sooner or later. Run back home and don't come looking for me. They'll try to at you if you do. They are after me not you. They don't know you are with me now go!" She told me. I started to run but stopped when I heard her mutter something.

"This is for you sis."


No. That wasn't my mom, was it? Was that my aunt that was with me?! Oh no!

"Mom?" I asked and her head snapped to me. She looked over at Claire and she nodded. Baxter and Scout went over to Claire and helped her stand while my mom took a step closer to me.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I ran over to her and hugged her. She responded by hugging me back. I pulled back after a minute.

"That wasn't really you in the grocery store, was it?" I asked already knowing the answer. She shook her head.

"No, that wasn't me. That was my sister, Angela. She pretended to be your mom because you couldn't be near me at the time. I was a danger to you at such a young age. They would've caught you if you stayed with me." She said.

"Did she...." I asked trailing off not being able to finish the question.

"Yes. They, you know, when they caught her. They saw you with her somehow and found you. You probably already know them because they were part of the Light of Fire Gang of whatever their stupid gang name is." She said and I froze. That was why they did this. They wanted me because they killed my aunt. Why did they target my mom anyways?

"Why were they after you?" I asked voicing my thoughts. I looked back at everybody and they all had a worried look on their face. Claire looked broken at that point.

What the heck did I miss? Why is everybody giving me this look?

"Well, you see..... I used to help Claire out with some stuff and her dad didn't like it. He kept blaming Claire. He kept saying it was her fault for talking with me that they had to kill me and my family. One day, I walked in and saw him........beating Claire. He was yelling at her and much more that I don't think I want to explain." She said and looked over at Claire.

Claire was on the floor with Baxter, Scout, Jacey, Penelope and Abigail all surrounding her while she cried. My blood ran cold. She knew Claire?! How come I didn't know about this until now? Wait, Claire probably didn't know since I never talked about my mom. She probably didn't know because she was really little when this happened.

Baxter was looking at me with sad eyes as his sister was crying. It looked like he was about to cry as well. Knowing him, I've never seen him cry or even get close to crying. It was strange to see him on the verge of tears.

Scout licked her and whined. She wasn't stopping. Wait. Is she really ok???

                     CLAIRE'S POV

Once Jason's Mom told him about that day, I couldn't hold my tears anymore. I remembered that day better than all the others. It was the day where I almost got beat to death. It was a miracle I lived through it.


I heard the door and knew my dad was home. Oh no! It was never good when he comes home early from work.

"Claire! Get you ugly butt in here!" He shouted and you could hear the anger.

"Y-Yes dad?" I asked.

I could tell he was drinking like he usually did. I don't even remember the last time he was actually sober.

The next thing I knew, I was on the ground and he was kicking me over and over again. I heard the door open and I was Joanna(Jason's mom) looking at us with wide eyes.

I couldn't understand what was happening because my vision was blurred and I felt myself drifting away.

"Bye Joanna." Was the last thing I said before closing my eyes not expecting to actually wake up again.


It was then I realized I couldn't breathe. Another panic attack. Great! Note the sarcasm. I looked up briefly to see everyone looking at me. They didn't realize that I was having a panic attack. They just thought I was crying.

My vision started to blur and my head was spinning. I still couldn't get any oxygen in my system. I heard some voices but I couldn't understand who it was. I looked up to see Baxter trying to calm me down before telling everyone-

"Guys! Stop shouting! She's having a panic attack so stop!"

They all stopped and looked at me. My breathing was still bad and I saw them rushing to me.

"Did we cause this?" They all muttered.

I shook my head still trying to breathe. The flashback kept coming back to me and I started panicking again. I suddenly screamed causing all of them to jump and look at me. I was slowly but surely losing it.

"No! Don't hurt me!" I shouted and got out of Baxter's arms and ran to the corner. They all watched me carefully and slowly, Jason started to walk toward me. I watched him and the flashback came back to me.

I knew this wasn't really happening but I could see what happened that day. I saw me backing away from me dad. The person in front of me looked like my dad for some reason.

"Don't hurt me! Stay away, Dad!" I shouted at the flash that was my dad.

Black dots blurred my vision and I collapsed.

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