The Abandoned Classroom

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In the distance, I saw that same person with that same knife staring at me. So I was right!

E has been here much longer that I thought.


Ha! She is so slow! She can't even catch me! Has she found out what happened that day in the woods is the question though.

I know what you guys are thinking. No it wasn't me. That was my beloved partner............


I know there is something going on. Claire isn't acting right. She's getting attitude with teachers, her eyes don't light up as much anymore and she's chasing after nothing because "she saw something".

What was she really running after?After her phone buzzed, she looked around then sprinted out the door!
Whatever it is, it's not something good

                    CLAIRE'S POV

The next day, everybody gave me weird looks, backed away from me and whispered as if I wasn't there. By now, everybody knew about me being sent to the principals office and running out of the cafeteria.

I even heard some people call me "The New Bad Girl." I rolled my eyes at the thought. Recently, I haven't been doing any work at school.

It was now lunch and I felt my phone vibrate again. I groaned in my head knowing who it was.

E: Oh bad girl now? Love the attention? If you keep acting like this, your friends and family will get suspicious and you know what will happen if they start asking too ma'am questions.

I groaned again causing people to look at me. They averted their stares when they saw me glare at them. In the corner of my eye, I saw the hooded person standing there again. I decided not to chase him/we but I did stare the person down.

E: Better stop looking or else, they'll find out.

I froze and glanced back at my friends and brother. They were looking between me and where I was looking. I shook my head and turned back around. My phone vibrated again and I looked back at it.

E: Actually look at me again.

I was so confused but did what she/he wanted. When I looked again, I froze. In the arms of the hooded person was a sleeping Scout.

I looked back at them to see them giving me confused looks. I knew my eyes showed fear but I didn't care.

How in the heck did she get Scout?! Im going to call E a she since it started when Emma came by. I don't know who it really is but I'm going to say she for now. Back to the situation at hand.

E: He's a good boy isn't he? Come and get him or not.

This was taking it too far. I had enough. E has been stalking for me for god knows how long and I was done. I didn't even remember I was in the cafeteria at school.

E: Are you going to come and get him or are you just going to keep looking at me like that?

Wait. How did she text that with Scout in her hands? Is there another person?! I am didn't waste any more time.
I got up and charged to get Scout.

I ran out down the hallway and turned. I heard a whine and I knew Scout was nearby.

"Scout?!" I shouted down the hallway hoping to hear some type of sound from him. I soon heard a little bark coming from a classroom. I ran into the classroom and found Scout laying on the ground, panting for breath.

"Scout!" I shouted and crouched next to him. Suddenly, the door slammed shut. I ran to the door but it wouldn't budge. It was looked from the outside.
My phone vibrated and my heart beat louder knowing this was E.

E: Oh no. How will you get out of nobody knowing where you are? You should've told them to come with you. Good luck getting out without phone reception.

Phone reception? There's no phone reception?! I tried to call Jason and sure enough the No Signal icon popped up.

"Scout, we are trapped! There's no phone reception here!" I said to Scout causing him to whine and start scratching the door.

Suddenly, I felt the floor shake. I fell down when it shook again. That's when I realized this was the abandoned part of the school.

The floor shook again and I felt the floor fall a little. Oh no! The floor is going to break!

"Help! Help!" I shouted trying to get someone to help. I knew E was doing something to the floor to make it fall. The worst part was that there is nothing underneath this floor! It just leads to a large hole. That's why nobody was allowed anywhere around here. 

I felt the floor shake again and the floor dipped down far and Scout and I fell.

          This is the end. You win E!

                     JASON'S POV

I could see the fear in Claire's eyes as she looked back at us from where she looked previously. What is she looking at? One beep. Two beep. Three beep. That was enough texts messages as Claire ran out again. We didn't waste any time in running after her.

We lost her as she ran past the school restrictions. "CLAIRE!" We shouted but we didn't hear anything.

We passed many hallways until we all froze. We heard crashes and screams. It was coming from the abandoned hallway. We sprinted over then stopped when we heard another scream.

"Help! Help!" That sounds familiar. We shared a look before she realized something.

That scream was Claire.

We felt something rattle under our feet and froze. This whole part of the building is collapsing.

"You guys get to safety! I'm going to get Claire!" I shouted to them.

"We aren't leaving you here!" They all shouted.

"Go!" I shouted and the girls ran but Baxter and Alex didn't budge.

"We'll help you!" They shouted and I just nodded not wanting to argue.

Suddenly, we saw Scout jump out of the classroom.

"Scout?" We all questioned.

He whined and looked back into the classroom. My eyes widened as I realized that Claire was still in there.

I went in and almost fell as there was nothing there. All I saw was the whole floor falling.

That wasn't what brought me down though. It was the girl who was falling with it.

"CLAIRE!" I shouted.

I then saw something white left with a phone by my foot.

"Guys!" I said and ran over to them.

I showed them what I had.

"What the-?" Baxter trailed off.

"You guys are next. Watch your backs.

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