The Hospital

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The ambulance was getting closer but Claire's heartbeat was beating slower and slower by the minute.

When the ambulance got here, her heartbeat was gone.

Two Days Later........

It's been two days. TWO DAYS since Claire has been in the hospital. Melody has been put into juvenile detention because of what she did. Jacey,Abigail and Penelope have never left the waiting room and I don't have any intention of leaving either.

I don't blame them for wanting to stay. They just got her back and now she's in the hospital fighting for her life.

She was stabbed close to her heart and she's lucky she didn't die right at contact. I'm so happy she didn't. I don't know what I would've done if she died at that moment. She would've died in my arms and there would've been nothing to stop me from murdering Melody.

To make matters worse, I haven't seen or heard from Steward ever since the night he almost got her. I'm worried he will continue to target her but I'll do anything and everything in my power to not let him get to her.

That day when I saw her lifeless body in my arms, I realized one thing that I'm surprised I didn't realize earlier.

I'm in love with Claire. I love her. She's not just some girl you can just throw around. She's the sweetest girl ever even though she's been through so much. She only had her three best friends. She didn't have any other family.

Speaking of family, her brother, Baxter,  has been coming from time to time to check on her. He told me everything about why he left and to be honest, I would've done the same if I was in his shoes. After that, we are pretty cool around each other. He might know I like his sister because of the way I acted  around him yesterday.


When I got into the hospital I saw Baxter walking in the same direction as Claire's room. I speed walked up to him, stopping him in his tracks. He gave me a confused look then smirked at me. What's his deal? Finally after glaring at him for the past minute, he finally spoke.

"So are you just going to keep blocking me from seeing my SISTER or are you just going to keep glaring at me like you're jealous?" He asked clearly enjoying this.

"HA! Jealous? Why would I be jealous? You're just her brother that left her, not her boyfriend or anything. Wait, ignore that! I didn't say that!" I rambled all in one breath. What is wrong with you Jason?! He will now know that you like Claire. Oh god.

He looked at me in amusement before howling with laughter. I kept glaring at him and every time he looks at me, he just starts his laughing all over again. I rolled my eyes at him.

Once he sobers up, he says one thing. " Oh dude! That was so funny! That was a test and you just passed with a high score! You are one hundred percent in love with my sister! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go see my sister." He said still amused.

I watched his retreating back and saw he turned around to say one more thing. "Close your mouth before you catch flies there buddy!" Then he walked into Claire's room laughing still.

Omg! Did Baxter just roast the living crap out of me?! And now he knows I like Claire! Crap, this isn't what I wanted! If Claire was with me, she would be on his side! My thoughts were interrupted when I heard him again.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to get your butt in here?" He shouted down the hallway to me really satisfied by my reaction. I finally snapped out of it and sprinted into Claire's room.

                   Present Time

I finally found myself smiling since Claire got into the hospital. That's when we decided to be friends since I like his sister. He told me he could tell she liked me back and that brought a smile to my face.

Anyways, Claire hasn't made any progress except going into a deep coma. She lost so much blood in a matter of seconds that they had to go to immediate surgery. They were able to stop the blood but that still doesn't calm my nerves and fear of if Claire will ever wake up.

I didn't realize Henry got back with food until he snapped his fingers on front of my face. "Dude, you're really shaken up about this aren't you?" Henry asked calmly but I could tell he was really worried about me.

I just nodded since I couldn't seem to make words come out of mouth. I've never been this worried about a girl in my life. I've never loved a girl so much to not even be able to do anything. I know Henry already knows this so he doesn't push the subject further.

        HENRY'S POV

I've never seen Jason like this. He acts so differently now that Claire is in the hospital. He doesn't even want to talk anymore. I mean I knew he liked her but I didn't know it was this serious until now. Yes I know, I know. I know everybody who is reading this already knew this and is probably screaming at me for being so stupid. I mean like seriously, calm your horses readers. I am stupid for not realizing it sooner but how would I know? He doesn't tell me anything when it comes to Claire.

Anyways, after we ate, we went back into Claire's room. Every time I see Jason looking at Claire, he looks so broken. I have no idea how this all happened but I had my suspicions that he was there when it happened. What I'm hoping is that he doesn't blame himself but knowing him, he probably already does.

By that broken look on his face, is 99.99999999% sure he blames himself for what happened to her. I would ask him but I'm not going to because I don't want to push him.

I was brought out of my thought when I heard Jason. "Do you want to know what happened to Claire? Who am I kidding? Of course you want to know." He said turning towards me with a sad smile.

"You don't have to if you don't want to Jason. I'm not going to push you-" I started but he cut me off.

"No you deserve to know since she is your friend as much as she is mine." He said but I could tell he didn't want to remember what happened.

Jason explained everything that happened from the moment he heard Claire to the ending where Claire's heartbeat stopped.

"Dang. Dude. I know that seems like a perfect excuse to blame yourself but please don't man. It wasn't your fault. It was Melody's." I said calming him as well as me.

"Thanks man. Anyways, shall we?" Jason said sarcastically making us both laugh.

We started to head towards the door until we heard a noise. An alarm to be exact. Jason and I both turned around to see many doctors and nurses running in the direction of Claire's room. We shared a concerned look and ran in the direction of her room.

Crap. Please be ok Claire!

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