Will's Threat and Steward

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Great! What happened to me? The last thing I remember is...........me being in my old house and finding that note. Wait. I felt all around me to see I was in a room. This room is familiar. Omg! I'm in Jason's room. When did I get here?!

Did he find me in my old house? Wait! Did he read that note!? That must mean he also saw all the blood and see me having a panic attack. Crap this isn't good!

Suddenly my phone vibrated. I looked at the caller id and I didn't know if I should answer it.



CRAP! Should I answer it?! I decided it would be a good idea to answer it or else that would make him think I knew something.


"Ah there you are sweet niece of mine. How are you?" He's acting as if he hasn't done anything wrong or has kept in contact when he hasn't! I decided to play along with him.

"I'm good. So anyways why are you calling me Uncle Will?" I decided to get to the point.

"Hmm so you do know I want something." Geez I didn't realize how stupid he was until now.

"Yes because you've NEVER called me unless you want something. Now what do you want from me?"

"I want to see you."

"Why is that DEAR uncle?" I said sarcastically.

"Ok FINE! I saw you with that note and you WILL NOT tell anybody else about that! Do I make myself clear?!"


"That will have consequences dear Claire. Just you wait." With that he hung up leaving me terrified of what he is going to do.


I was about to go into Claire's door when I heard her talking on the phone.

"I'm good so anyways why are you calling me Uncle Will?" Why is she talking to him? Does she remember what happened last night? I decided to keep eavesdropping.

"Yes because you've NEVER called me unless you want something. Now what do you want from me?" He wants something from her? She better not give him what ever he wants.

"Why is that DEAR uncle?" She asked. I could tell she was being sarcastic.


With that, I didn't hear her say another word. He must have said something to scare her or he just hung up without scaring her. HA that's funny for me to actually believe that.

I peeked through the door for her to not be there. Where the crap did she go?

I looked towards the window where I saw it was open. Did she just..... no she didn't jump out of the window right? That's way too far to jump down from!

I ran downstairs as fast as I could to see Claire standing there looking at a car with......tinted windows?! Oh no that car is from the Light of Fire Gang!

"Claire! Come on it's not safe out here." I sad gently but with a little force. She didn't even spare me one glance but took a step towards the car. Her hands were balled into tight fists. I tried to grab her but she took me off guard when she ran straight toward the car.

"CLAIRE DON'T!" I tried shouting at her but before I knew what happened, I heard glass break. Omg. Did she just break that window with her bare hands?!  I looked to see that I was right. Claire broke that window somehow with out hurting herself.

That's when I noticed the tape in her fists. Wait. Those are ones where you use them to fight. How would she have got them? Where did she get them from?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Claire in the state when I saw her in that empty classroom. The girls warned me about this. I need to stop her before she kills whoever that is!

Before I could, I saw Claire whisper something to.... wait, is that Steward? Sorry I'm getting off track. She whispered something to him and his eyes widened. What did she just say to him? I've NEVER in all me life ever seen him scared.

Claire let him go and he sped off without a word spoken. She turned around and stared at me just now realizing I saw everything she did. "Uh hi Jason." She said as if to change the subject.

"Don't try to change the subject Claire. What did you tell him? Why do your eyes change color when you're mad? Lastly, why did you answer a call from WILL? I almost shouted. I took a deep breath because I didn't want to scare her.

Her eyes widened knowing I listened to her conversation. "I don't know what you're talking about." She whispered so quiet I barley heard her.

I now realized that her only family was a psychopath. Everybody else in her family was either dead or wanted her dead. I now realized why she was getting upset. She was probably getting overwhelmed about all of this. I felt bad for shouting at her now that I think and know about this.

She turned away from me and walked into the house before I could say a word. I watched her leave with a frown on my face. I didn't mean to upset her, I just wanted answers. She'll tell you when she's ready. I kept telling myself this hoping it's true. I know I shouldn't have pushed her for answers but my stupid curiosity got in the way.

I walked back into the house and went straight to my room knowing Claire wasn't going to talk to me.

Three Days Later....................................

It's been three days. THREE DAYS since Claire he's come out of the guest bedroom. I was getting worried because she still hasn't eaten a thing. She hasn't said a word. She doesn't even have her phone with her!

This is bad. This is really bad. I've never seen her like this and I don't have the girl's numbers so I can't ask them for help, not that they could help with the situation she's in but you guys know what I mean!

I need to find a way to get her out of that room and fast. I don't even know if she's even in there or not. Well my guards that I got to come when she wouldn't come out of her room haven't said anything and they're all over the place. I know they know that I love her so that's why they take this so seriously.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a phone ring. I looked at mine but I saw it wasn't mine. It's Claire's phone. I grabbed her phone and saw an unknown number pop up.



I looked at it for a couple seconds before I decided to answer it. Before I could say a word, I heard a voice speak up.

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