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When suddenly my whole body got alert due to sudden jerk and my nap got broken. I woke up stretching my arms with a pleasant smile. And suddenly i realised, i was in the char, whose car? What car? When i heard a cough, i saw parth sitting beside me, with a straight face. Did i said something in my sleep? Oh damn, fuck you naira! I looked at him sheepishly" hi" i plastered a smile over my face. " Had a good nap?" Oh he was taunting him, wow naira your luck is worst than worst !

" Umm yeah" scratching my forehead,i replied. " Well we are standing outside your place from last 15 minutes but you were so busy romancing with me in your dreams that you forgot i m here for real" what the fuck? How did he knew? Oh god! I am sure i had murmured something in my sleep. What am i supposed to do now? I looked to other side
To flush my embracement. My silence was gracefully assumed as yes . " Is it so" raising his eyebrows. I shook my head in no. He laughed. I fell again for that smile and smiled to myself. " Lets go in" i said to which he followed and locked the car after we both were out.

" Are your parents fond of me" he questioned. " No " oops naira you weren't supposed to say this. He looks so annoyed right now. " Actually  they don't like me being gaga over someone, they are happy with you" i rectified my mistake. They are happy with you? Seriously? Are you planning to marry him? My subconscious mind was always there to poke me up but i ignored gracefully.

I rang the bell twice or thrice to which my mom came, opened the door and started lecturing " beta i told you na not to be late, you know na zamana kesa hai, what's this haan all wet i provided you umbrella as well "
(Dear i told you to not to be late, you know what crimes are taking place and what's this all wet, i provided you umbrella as well )

she kept on lecturing me totally ignoring who was standing next to me.

" Maa" i was hell annoyed still i managed to stay calm and smiled.

" Maa parth aya hai."
( Mother, parth has come)

I said before she starts again

"Arrey toh what am i supposed to do haan arti utaru?" Oh god mommyyyyy don't mess it up.

(So what am i supposed to do ? worship him? )

I looked at parth who was trying hard not to laugh at this moment.

" Mummy parth samthaan is here, my room one" i again said to remind her , her to be son-in-law . I laughed at my own thoughts at first.

She noticed the Eiffel tower standing next to me , from top to bottom, making weird expression and he was looking at me. Oh god this was so embarrassing.

" This is parth" making annoyed face, my sweet mother asked.

To which i nodded.

" Haye kinna sohna munda hai
(Aw, such a charming boy )

she said cupping her own face.oh these punjabi moms, i cant tell you how melodramatic they are.

Parth bent down and touched my mother's feet and I was standing there awed.

They both went inside smiling and laughing . I was still standing there at the entrance to admire them. " Saas daamad ki jodi hai to achi"
( Mother in law and son in law looks good together)

my subconscious mind was up again.

I entered my own house shivering after thinking about the random question they will shoot as soon as parth will leave.

My mom went into kitchen to cook something for him, while i took him to my room. Damn! What will he think about me after seeing all those cheesy stuff. I opened the door and could feel him smiling already.

The Fangirl Diaries-Parth Samthaan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now