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Hey remember *peeps under the table*
Well okay i am sorry i took long to post it. But damn the exams. It is still on but never mind.

Hope you gonna enjoy this thoroughly.



i opened the door welcoming the notorious gang into my place. Well, not my place. Hehe. I just forgot i was a guest too, correction, welcoming other guest at his place.

The warm hugs by charlie and one of her friend  which i wasn't aware of ,was all i needed to set my self in comfort. Parth was still busy gelling up his hair into spikes. God,this guy takes ages to get ready.  We girls can swoon ovee him even if he don't put so much effort at all. I entered the room to call him, seeing him all ready into a superman tee along with shorts. Well i was in the member #teamshorts.

His deep black orbs, silky hairs, lusciously pink lips. His lips , the center of attraction, they were freaking pink. How?

Coming back to the shorts, well shorts over anything.It's not that jeans doesn't suited him. He looked flawless in everything he wore and fabulous even when He wore no....
Woah naira, hang up there.

Dismissing my thoughts, i eyed him to come outside. I went into kitchen to serve hungry souls deliciously made food. Yes, i praised myself.

I heard their giggles and saw him laughing from the kitchen. Trust me, he was more beautiful than watching sunrises at the beaches or watching peacock opening its wings.

He was my natural beauty, i could  stare him all day, all night along.

My cheeks were started getting heated up because my own thoughts. Keeping them aside, i picked up the trays and put into the table.

" Food is here guys " i informed them politely.

" Well we are not for this food" abhilash said rudely.

This felt bad. I could feel the moisture rising upto my eyes.

But suddenly, he started laughing his ass off.

What the hell!

" We are here to meet you naira, so come and sit with us" karan spoiled his evil plan.

I sat down next to charlie who was next abhilash. Parth was between karan and abhilash ,opposite to me.

We chit chatted , they asked me about my life and told me about theirs. By hearing them out, i understood it wasn't easy to be here in the acting industry.

They started eating snacks ,along with the bottles of their boozes.

" Naira , here" karan passed me a can.

I shook my head slightly. I never tried to be very honest. Drinking, tipsiness and me, don't go along.

" You don't drink?" He was shocked would be an understatement.

" You are from delhi and still sober" charlie was too in shock.

Did i committed a sin ? What comes along with a tag of being a delhite!

" Hey hey !! Guys calm down" parth calmed them with his ever-smooth~tone and smiled at me. I reverted back with a grin, foolishly.

"Can you stop naira" my conscience shouted at me for ogling at him dumbly, but i can't help it. He was fucking greek god, his every movement distracted me enough, to reach out to some other planet where only me and him resided.

" Try it out today" charlie gave me a can.

I looked at the can like someone has planted a nuclear bomb on my hand.

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