18 (2)

322 22 40

Part2 (unedited)

The sun was on fleek,dispersing it's rays all over the sky, turning the sky into shades of hue. But something was different, the morning didn't begin with chirping of birds or something like that but bellowing of someone.

" Oh shit" i yelped when i saw naira sitting on the floor shreiking in pain. This girl , i tell you. I nimble carryied her in my arms to the bed room, putting her carefully on the bed.

After applying her some ointment and crape bandages . I made her sleep , giving her pills beforehand. In repose,  her face still shown the pain she was undergoing.

I had a meeting to attend but leaving her in such condition wasn't a good decision to take. Therefore after cancelling it, I dailed charlie's number taking karan on conference.  The conversation was obviously about the date set up and me being the cupid.

The discussion continued as we planned for the varied occasional reasons coming up to make them know each other, diwali party. So yup, only one week left for the diwali party. Hence, that was the perfect day to do it.

Nonetheless, something was incapacitated inside me. I felt like i was doing something against my will. I should be happy that my best friend is falling for a girl who is a gem. The reality was totally opposite.

I heard a winced sound and moved my sight to her , she was trying to move out of the bed , keeping her ankle down on the floor carefully , regretting it later.

" Sit dowm naira" I pitched my voice so that she could assume i was anguish. We barely had a proper talk since last night. I was feeling a little shy after seeing her this close to me. She was a girl bathing into magnetic effects and i was being her iron man, getting attracted.

I could see her getting annoyed but she, being a headstrong girl continued to make efforts to walk and not fall down.  " This girl knows how to test my patience" i spoke to myself.

Hurriedly i strode towards her and picked her up, carrying her over my shoulder carefully. Undeniably, she was too light for me to make any special efforts. After entering to the washroom, i put her down and made her sit on the slab.  It was unbelievably astonishing to see the effect of my proximity on her. The blush and how she was trying hard to smile. Excising myself so that she could do ber routine  moved out and caressed my hair.

"What's wrong with you parth" i  verbalized the turmoil going inside. Everything seemed different, just in a blink, i wanted h
To be happy but reason itself scared me like anything.

She was a girl with high Morales and big heart. Hurting her,even in my dreams was the ugliest sin i wanted to commit. She was a butterfly with iron wings, a sweet chaos hidden under vulnerable smile and sensitive soul.

Her face, it was more than a poet can define into words, perfectly carved and sculptured.  Her eyes, reminds me of our meets. Just look into them, and you will forget everything around you, every problem every sadness will disappear. Her smile, i was seeing the most beautiful stars in front of me. Especially when she laughed with all her heart. Her giggles were something i could listen up whole day.

Naira sharma, she was daring me to fall for her ,hard but that wasn't a problem. Problem was I couldn't step back. I was in shit, deep shit. I only thing i feared for was happening. I knew her for three days and now today was the third day. She was ambitious dall wearing a hijab of happiness , carrying a smile in her eyes and love in her veins.

If i was a poet I could draft her beauty into words . She was my kind of happiness , which i was searching from ages when i  was falling apart. Someone said it true, love will find you itself on the right time.

I drifted from my thoughts as soon as I heard it beeping, picking up the phone, i felt like the dreams i was just thinking weave were getting discarded. Karan, my best friend, I can't do this to him.

For the first very time, he started feeling for someone and i , here , was planning to snatch her from him. But somewhere, i want to consider it as the one side of the coin. The other side of it wanted to yell what if  it will remain one sided always, what if she don't like him .. i never wanted to be an evil in someone's else life. All I could do was wait for destiny to play its magical wand.

Today it was second day when she was all ignoring me , tolerating all my crappy jokes and not uttering a word. I needed to talk to her today itself. I saw her leaving for the shopping of diwali , gettinf up from the couch i stopped her in the mid way by blocking the main door.

Her nose was fluttering in annoyance.

To irritate her more i asked " what's up" in  a total sugar coated voice.
" What's up? Nothing let me go " said knitting her eyebrows together.

Before she could escape from there i hold her arms and pulled her back before pinning her on the wall.

" Leave me parth" she was like another wild cat who don't like to manhandle by any.  By god's grace there wasn't any sword near by else she would have killed me by the way she was throwing daggers at me.

Leaving her hand, i put my hands on either side of her , " why are you ignoring me ? "I spoke , confidently, hiding the effect she had on me. Her scent, i wanted to breath her in for once.

"I am not " she replied hitting my chest.

Slowly, i decreased our distance and started leaning towards her. Brushing my fingers on her bare arm , i reached to her face and put the strand messing my view , scattered over her face and tug them behind her ears. Getting  more closer, my fingers brushed her fluffy cheeks. The next thing I did was unexpected , unknowingly i holded her face and pecked her forehead lightly proceeded by brushing her cheeks. She was standing there all into liquid state, her face was all turned into red cherry. Before i could something else the door bell rang, disturbing our little moment.


Heylooo peoples!!😂

Okay that was shitty update because whatever I wrote got deleted thanks to watty 😒
Do comment below how did you liked the chapter ♥️

The Fangirl Diaries-Parth Samthaan FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz