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It was 8 p.m..I could hear the crowd shouting his name. " Parth samthaan we love you ". " Parth you are the best" " parthians are lucky to have you". It was such a captivating view, how i used to be there last year,shouting his name , drawing the name cards for him. I laughed at my own fate. How my life has changed in past 2 days? Yeah 2 days.

I went to the green room, and saw him standing dressed up in mustard pants and blue shirt. I gestured him for the entry. He put a hand around my shoulder and moved out. I was totally amazed by him today.

The host of the show was all the way ranting that he will be here any moment. I made a thumbs up sign to host and he proceeded." So guys are you ready " " yessssss..." Screams the crowd. " This is going to be the beginning of the live event today happening here, i am going to bring on the stage the heartrob... the extremely.. extremely good looking... The versatile actor... Extremely handsome... The superb singer....vo ban gaya hai duniya bhar ki larkio ki dil-o-jaan .... He is none other than, the only sensational , PARTH SAMTHAAN "

The host exited the stage leaving the presentation on all about the pictures of the handsome hunk. My heart was sinking. I was remembering the days when i used to be the first to come at his event standing at the most nearest spot to the stage and waving him like a maniac.

I saw a figure coming from the back. " Hello people" it was him, thankgod, i broke up with my boyfriend else he would have been so jealous by the way i feel for parth, the way I react to his everything.

The show started and i made an exit from the back stage to the green room resting. I heard a knock and saw akash standing their. Before you start running your minds, akash is my ex,yeah the one i was talking about 5 mins back.

He was about to enter the room when i crossed his paths and stopped him right there. " What dude" i yelled on him. He pushed me back resulting in making me fall on The floor. He was stepping forward with a smirk . He turned back and bolted the door. I gasped seeing his actions and got up from the floor rushing to get my phone. I dialled the last call but he snatched the phone from my hand,throwing it on the near by couch.

He Was coming closer to me and i was going back, soon getting sandwiched between wall and him. His alcoholic breathe was touching my face making me controlling my breathe. " I still love you naira " he pinned his finger into my arms while holding me tightly. I was whincing in pain but his hold was getting tighter passing each second. I pushed him back making him disbalance and ran to open the door but my try failed. He holded from the back and pulled me. The pulled made the back of my dress getting torned.i was breathing unevenly between my
Sobs. I started slamming the door " someone please help me".

I shouted making my epiglottis hurt but no one came to help me. He took me into his arms in bridal style and placed on the couch locking my hands into each side for making my protest stop " you bloody jerk leave me " i was trying hard to get out his hold but he was a well built man. He came over me torning the dress of my sleeves bitting my skin over there.
The pain bring the moisture in my eyes. He torned the other side and did the same to that as well. He took out a knife from his pocket , cutting the dress beneath my thighs. " Leave me akash for God's sake". I started punching his chest but he laughed. I could see the evilness in his eyes. My beautiful gown was now just a messed up raped dress. Soon i heard someone knocking on the door " someone help me please please help me " i shouted. " The door isn't opening " the reply i received " break it you moron " i frowned. Thuddddd!!!

I saw parth standing there with tension all over his face. The view made him go in the deep slumber. He holded akash's collar and beaten him in all the blacks and blues. I was standing there sobbing, holding my dress from one place. Soon the security guards came and took him along with them. I sat on the couch, palming my face. He removed his blazer and covered me with that, handing me a glass of water. He sat next to me and i just controlled my tears ,he could hear me sniffing. The next movement made me go down on my knees, parth holded my hand as the assurance that yes he was there! I couldn't control my hormones which were getting emotional and hugged him to the tightest. The happy thing in the bad moment was that he hugged me back in the same manner, patting my back continuously.


Woohooo!! Okay just one more chapter to go to the real " the fangirl diaries" this was just the trailer of naira's life but you just can't imagine what is coming up next.

Don't forget to shoot the star okay?

And reviews are most welcomed. Whether you are liking it or not, just let me know!
I don't bite tehehe

Bye take care my adorable readers ❤

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