17. (continue)

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Continuation. (Unedited)

Holding my hand smoothly he made me sit on the couch. " Parth actually.. " i started fiddling with the words. It was awkward to open up my want. He nodded his head as a sign for me to speak further.

"I need a tub of icecream"squinting my eyes,i said.

He released a carefree laugh. " You are such a baby " he said going towards the kitchen to fetch me some icecream.

"Said by another child no? " I retorted.

Coming back from kitchen, holding a kwalitywall's icecream tub sat in front of me.

" Here eat it and tell me i am all your ears " he said rathee ordered in the most calm manner handing over the tub to me.

I opened the lid and started eating it.he was keenly looking at me.

" Okay " i sat in Indian style and took one bite.

" Akash was my first boyfriend i ever had. I have always been a atudious girl, no talking to boys no hanging out. I never had friends except one. She is my best friend from the day took admission into the school.

I paused and ate another bite. " While i was preparing for my graduation, i met him .. that creep in my coaching class. He used to be all  nice and impressive. I was falling hard into his trap. May or may not be a trap. But everything changed after we completed a year of togetherness. He turned into a devil who had thirst of lust into him "

Tears were on the edge remembering the days where he used to throw himself onto me, touching me on the appropriate places even though i declined that i wasn't interested.

" I tried .. i tried hard to make him my akash, the guy i loved back but may be  he was never the guy i loved. I was day dreaming. I could clearly see he wanted me on his bed but then, love is indeed blind. It happened some 1 year back when  I was about to complete my grad, we all were going for clubbing"  the tub was almost empties by now and the emotional turmoil was on its peek.

" He and his friends, mixed some drug into my drink and took me to some brothel. " That was the moment where i just broke and started shedding the tears. The hurt, disgust, hate and memories  was unbearable.

He rose his hand and put on mines, pressing them. I wiped my tears with other and  continued  " god was prolly blessing me that day, akash 's mother got heart attack so they dropped me in between of some road. As soon as i opened my eyes it was already morning and I couldn't recollect anything. That was the last day we ever interacted. "

" Do you.. still love him ? " He questioned.

I laughed painfully, "I don't but it's hard to put those pictures replaying in my brain into some trash can . "

The tears never stopped . " Dont waste these diamonds for him " wiping them off he hugged me and that was all i needed at that moment.

We glued to that position longee than we were supposed to. He sat close to me keeping a little gap after breaking off and i kept my head  over his shoulder.

" You know, life will  throw infinite tantrums, but you need to be strong. Strong enough to face them. And put this thing into your brain, a single guy should never affect your life to such extent. " He adviced  patting his head onto mine kept on his lap.

I nodded. Cluelessly i slept keeping my head over his shoulder.

Soon, i felt some warmness around me in which i could cuddle in. I hugged the source and went into a deep sleep.

The chirping of birds broke my sleep, making me wide awake it was already morning. Stretching myself from the couch i looked to my left and found him sleeping next to me so close, his arms were encircled on my waist as if he was marking his territory .

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