Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Waking up and getting dressed wasn't a problem. Getting to the airport and getting on the jet wasn't a problem either. The only thing that seemed to be a problem was the nine hour flight and the change of time zones. Could you imagine going from a cool morning filled with morning dew and slight breezes to the sun setting half way through your flight? It threw Raigh-lee's sleeping schedule out the window before I could comprehend what was going on.

Quietly exhaling, I leaned back against the chair while staring at the two across from me as they laid sleeping. Aiden was worn out from working late last night so eventually, it caught up with him and Raigh-lee has just been on and off sleep for a good few hours now.

"We'll be landing in Naples, Italy in a few minutes ma'am. Would you like anything before we land?" One of the flight attendants asked as I smiled up at her and shook my head before she bowed and walked away. Sighing again, I turned my attention towards the window where the moon was shining bright. It was just too beautiful to let pass but my mind seemed elsewhere. They're going to be on my case as soon as we get to the restaurant. Just thinking about all of their questions makes me anxious yet there's excitement somewhere near. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath before exhaling. "You're home Natalie. They'll be understanding. They have matured over the last year and a half. You'll be just fine." I told myself while smiling before opening my eyes as I was greeted by a wide awake Aiden. He looked at me for a second before smiling.

"You'll be just fine, Natalie. I'll be right beside you holding your hand along the way." He stated with sincerity in his voice as he reached across before grasping my hand. "It'll be okay." He added while gently kissing my hand as the plane slowly started to roll onto the runway. Nodding quietly, I smiled back at him before caressing his hand. Aiden was like the missing piece that I've been looking for all along. "Natalie, are you ready?" He asked as one of the flight attendants came by to let us know that we had arrived.


After we had gotten all of our luggage and found my grandmother, we took her van to Atrani. I wasn't really surprised to see one of my little nieces with her but it just had to be one of the youngest triplets.

"Sissy?" She looked up at me through the darkness as I hummed in reply. "Is that Raigh-lee's daddy? Why does he look different? Is that a tan?" She inquired as I quickly shook my head while glancing over at Aiden who had my sleeping baby nestled on his chest.

"No, darling. Also, Aiden looks different because he's from a different kingdom. His mommy was from a different kingdom where beauty spread across the land while his daddy was from a kingdom where different beauty spread across their land. They fell in love and created even more beautiful people like Aiden and his siblings. That's why he looks so beautiful, just like your mom and your aunty and your uncle." I stated as my nonna quietly laughed in the front seat. "Just like your Nonna and nonno fell in love and made us." I smiled while looking at her as she nodded her head in understanding.

"Sissy, can we go swimming tomorrow? I want to show you my secret spot." She whispered as my grandmother quietly shook her head.

"I don't want none of you to go exploring that place by yourselves. It's too dangerous because one of you might get pulled out into the ocean. I told you this yesterday, young lady." Nonna stated with disapproval in her voice as she kept her eyes on the busy highway.

"Ma perché la nonna?" (But why great grandmother?) She inquired as I gently shook my head at her through the darkness. For a six year old, she was learning Italian pretty quickly probably because of her mom.

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