Chapter Eighteen: The Past Opens

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"What happened!?" Jamison yelled. "They took everything away from us!"

"That was over a hundred years ago!" Allen yelled back. "Just let it go!"

Back before there was a Light Kingdome or any kingdom there was one great nation. This nation was ruled by the Midnight family. The midnights could use magic better than anyone in the nation and were nice to everyone. They were shape-shifters. Everything was good. There were no wars, and there was always food to go around. Nothing bad would happen. It was like this for over three hundred years, but one day a war did start. It wasn't an outside threat. It was the people in the nation. They wanted to break up into individual kingdoms.

"Everything is good now!" Someone yelled. "Why change it?"

"It's time we get rid of the rulers!" Another person yelled. "It's time for the Midnights to step down! And if they don't want to we will make them!"


Before she could finish she was cut down by one of the angry men.

"Come on!" The man who cut down the girl yelled. "To victory!"

After years of war, the Midnights were overthrown and banished to an island where the next generations of Midnights lived for the next hundred years.

One day a young boy no more than 10 left the island, and he returned five years later and killed all who said he shouldn't try to bring the Midnight's back to power.

That was how it went. That is how the once great midnights fell. Now only three Midnights are left. A once great nation gone, just like that. Only a few even remember the nation that was ruled by the once so great Midnight. 

"You two are the only ones who know what happened!" Jamison yelled at them. "Why don't you want to take back what is ours?!"

"Because this is wrong!" Zanara said. "We were all fine! We were happy, and then you went all crazy! You killed them all! So, tell me why?!"

Zanara managed to get a small hit to Jamison's forearm, but it wasn't too deep.

He just looked at them, but all the sanity was gone. All that remained was pure evil and revenge.

"Why?" Jamison said almost to himself. "They were in my way."

He was glaring at them now.

"AND SO ARE YOU!" Jamison yelled and turned into a madman.

He swang his sword wildly with no control, and it took all that Zanara and Allen had to not get hit.

"He's losing it!" Allen said to Zanara. "It's almost harder than if he was focused."

"I know," Zanara said trying to hold Jamison back. "Sure he was always a jerk, but now it's like he's a different person altogether!"

Even though Jamison was right in front of them it was like he couldn't hear them.

"You don't think?" Zanara asked.

"Yes," Allen said back grimly. "Sadly that is the only way."

"No...." Zanara said to herself. "No, it can't be!"

"Zanara I'm sorry," Allen said looking at her. "He was a perfect target. I am not surprised it happened. No matter how you look at it there is nothing to be done."

He came in for another attack. Zanara looked lost in thought but was able moved out of the way, but not before she got a scratch on her leg.

"Zanara!" Allen yelled.

"I'm fine," Zanara said through gritted teeth. "It's not that bad. Trust me, I'm fine."

"Maybe now," Jamison said with a chuckle. "But soon, you will both be dead!"

With that, he moved in once again with his sword. This time the feel of dark magic was much more present in Jamison and his sword. One way or another this battle would be over soon.

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