Ch. 20 Father's Day

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CH 20

Phillip piled the kids in Gareth's van. He'd borrowed it again to take the Lewis children out while their father attended a follow-up meeting at the lawyer's office. This time they were all going to the mall to get Gareth a Father's Day present. The mall certainly wasn't his favourite place, especially what happened last time he was here, but this had to be done. Phillip felt Gareth deserved a decent present from the kids and he wanted to help.

"Okay. We have thirty dollars to spend. You can each have ten or you can put it all together to get your dad one thing," Phillip explained once they were parked and walking towards the entrance. He'd decided on a reasonable budget before they left the house, but perhaps giving them an option that all three had to agree on was not the best plan. After ten minutes of heated negotiations, he just decided for them. "Right. One thing."

Hopefully getting them to agree on one present would be easier than having them pick out three different presents.

Or maybe not.

Phillip was soundly defeated from this trip. It wasn't as loud or quite as disgusting as the play structures at McDonald's, but the constant arguments and refereeing was exhausting. At least the end result was a fairly decent tie. After herding the children through four or five stores with displays of Father's Day gifts, the children actually settled on a tie for their dad. Sure it was rather cliche to get a tie for Father's Day, but the pattern was pens, papers, and books, like Gareth's grading, so it seemed like a good choice. After the gift was purchased, the kids insisted on going to the card shop and getting a card, too.

"I think we can handle this part ourselves, Phillip," Daisy informed him. "You wait on the bench. I have the rest of the money and we'll be quick, I promise." Franny and Gabe ran right into the store and up to the display of cards, and Phillip realized he could see them well enough from where he was ordered to sit. They certainly couldn't leave without him noticing, anyway. Rather than disagree, he allowed her to have her way and took his spot on the bench while holding the shopping bag. Kind of like a lot of men accompanying people to the mall, just like he used to do for his mother years earlier.

"You have five minutes," he told her wearily. Daisy nodded and turned enthusiastically, her hair a flying whirl of braids, and followed after her younger siblings.

Fortunately they were able to finish in the store before Phillip had to wander into the fray, and the three Lewis children sprung from the shop giggly and happy. It was a quick trip back to the van, and they seemed quite pleased with themselves. Phillip was happy, too. He really wanted Gareth to have a good Father's Day in light of everything. On the way home they stopped to get a pizza, and they all had the treat of eating in front of the television watching an animated movie while Phillip lazed about on the sofa.

After most of the pizza had been consumed, but before bedtime, Gareth arrived home and Phillip was glad. As much as he cared for the children, he preferred their father to be the one to tuck them into bed. It wasn't really an issue, but more of a comfort thing. He knew the children liked him well enough, but he still wasn't quite sure where he stood in their lives. He just knew he enjoyed being a part of it.


"So, how did it go?" Phillip inquired as he handed Gareth his tea. The tv was now on the Food Network with the volume turned down low; someone gleefully mixing a complex cake batter using ridiculously expensive ingredients on the screen.

Blowing across the surface of the cup, Gareth reflected before answering. "Not great, actually."


"Leeann is suing for support and full custody of Daisy. She's also seeking at least partial custody of Franny and Gabe, and is using my sinful lifestyle as grounds. It's in the documents she's filed."

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