Damn collisions

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Damn. Im a sophomore already. Never thought I would make it past freshman year. My name is Lindsey. Im 5'4, I know im a midget and alittle on the heavier side which makes me self conscience. I have dark blonde hair, and light brown eyes. Im a lesbian, not many at my school. Im the only white, non-gothic one. Im smart and outgoing, always making people laugh.

I walk into the courtyard of my school, looking for my friends. I go to are usual spot. I see my friend Jessy. She screams "Lesbian!!" and attacks me with a bear hug.

"Dang, Jessy!!! You act like you haven't seen me all summer or some shit" I say.

"So, I missed my husband!" she says.

She's my wifey, no were not dating. Just best friends. We meet last year on the first day of school, and have been attached ever since.

"Show me your schedule!" I scream.

"Dame, we have every class together excet 3rd and 4th cause you got band."

Jessy is a band geek, while im a singer. Im in ensemble, which is for only the best singers. I had to try out last year, and got in. I was extremely surprised.

She starts doing her little happy dance, and I start looking around like I don't know her. We're right infornt of the office doors, and someone bumps into me dropping my stuff and there's.

"Oh my gosh im so sorry" they say.

I look up into beautiful hazel eyes. Her face is hidden by her dreads tipped with red. She's a beautiful milk chocolate color. She's wearing a purple t-shirt, and dark jeans with a green snapback. Dame, she's sexy especially with that lip ring. I stare at her like an idiot, and she waves her hand in front of my face.

"hello, hey, im so sorry...um...?"

"Her name is Lindsey, and she thinks your hot and she's single and looking." says Jessy

"Omg Jessy shut up! Im so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you...sorry, what's your name?"

"My name is Imani, but you beautiful, can call me baby" she says

I blush real hard and hand her the books she dropped.

"Wow, bold much. You new?" I ask

"Yeah, just moved her over the summer. My sister and I will be going here. She didn't come today, not much of a first day type person. She's a junior and im a sophomore." she says.

"That's cool, my loud mouthed friend Jessy and I are sophomores to. Do you have you schedule?" I say.

She hands it over, and she's got all of my classes. I look at it, then at her, then back at the paper. Dame, now I gotta deal with this sexy ass stud in ever goddame class! No way in hell im gonna pay attention.

"Umm, wow, you got all my classes. I don't know how. You probably gonna be switched, cause ensemble is only for people that try out" I say in a matter of a fact voice.

"Well actually that teacher requested me, I was in a ensemble at my old school in Maryland. I didn't know they had ensembles in Florida, till the teacher requested me." she says in the same type of voice.

Well dame, she matches my sarcasm nicely. I think I could get used to her.

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