Devastation and Game Time

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Lindsey's P.O.V

Wow. It's weird having a ring one my finger. I seriously can't believe she gave me a promise ring. I mean, we've been dating for four months, but still. I know I love this girl, that's for sure!

The ride home, we held hands. You could feel the happiness in the air. I'm one day going to marry this girl. I can see myself with her.

We finally arrived home and she goes and let's the puppies out and cleans up there messes. While she doing all that, I go take a shower. After I shower, she does.

I hear the shower shut off, then her phone rings. I pick it up because she has it charging. It's Kris.

"Hey Kris, what's up?" I say

"Lindsey, there's been an accident. Tell Imani to go to the hospital, are mom is hurt." she sobbs into the phone.

I hang up and start pounding on the bathroom door. "Babe, get dressed quick. Your mom got in an accident, we need to go to the hospital."

We start running around like we just got are heads chopped off. Finally, we rush out of the house and to the hospital. After screaming at a nurse who was gossiping on the phone, we find her mother's room.

"Kris what happened!?" yelled Imani rushing to her mother's side.

"She was on break, and someone hit her with there car. Her right leg is broken and a couple broken rib. They had to put her in a medically induced coma. The swelling in her brain and the pain would have been to much." Kris said from her chair by the window. Her eyes were red and swolen from crying and her voice was hoarse.

"Mommy, please get better. I need you here. Mamma, please?" Imani cried while holding her mothers hand. She looked like she was sleeping, not like she was in a coma. I was afraid she wasn't going to wake up.

I rest my hand on Imani and pull her down to sit in my lap. She cries into my shoulder and holds on to me for dear life. I motion for Kris to come sit next to us. She rests her head in my shoulder and I hold them.

"It will be ok you two. I believe she will be ok. I'm here for both of you." I kiss Kris's forehead and I kiss Imani on the lips. "Now, both of you, we are going to get clothes from your house and you two are staying at my house until your mother gets better. Visiting hours are almost up. Im going to go talk to the doctor, and you two tell her you will see her later."

I shift Imani off of me. Even with all that height, she is surprisingly light. Right as I walk out of the door I see the doctor.

"Hello sir, there saying goodbye for the day. Can you tell me what's wrong with there mother?" I ask politely.

"Im sorry ma'am, I can't release that information.Your not part of the family, so im going to have to interrupt there little get together so I can have dinner with my wife." he says not even looking at me. What a dick!? I mean, I understand doctors work a lot bit that doesn't mean he can't have sympathy for other people.

Right as im about to say something, I see the administrator of the hospital. Who happens to be friends with my mother. He has always liked me, so it's time to pull some strings.

"Hey, Mr. Jamison, can I have a word with you?" I say waving him over. The doctors eyes instantly snap up to look at me. He fixes his jacket and stands taller. Better be afraid bitch!.

"Why hello Lindsey. What brings you here today?" he says hugging me.

"Well, you see sir my friends mother has been in a horrible accident and they are saying goodbye to there mother for the day. Your rude doctor won't tell me information on there mother because I'm not family. Plus, he would rather interrupt there "get together", as he put it, because he needs go to dinner with his wife. Now, that I find vary rude and insensitive towards other people's feelings." I say turning into my mother the whole time im talking. Mr.Jamison is visible upset with his doctors actions.

"Sir, I-" the doctor tries to defend himself.

"Save it Dr. I don't want to hear it, hand over the patients paperwork and you can go to your dinner, hell take a month off. Because, you are suspended without pay. Have a wonderful night sir." he says. The doctors face instantly turns red, and he huffs and walks off.

"Alrighty, lets see." he says reading over the paperwork. "The patient has a broken femur and three broken ribs. Also, the swelling in her brain is pretty bad but definitely fixable. They are keeping her in a coma until the swelling goes down. She should be her an estimated two weeks, unless things turn for the worse. From here on out, I will be her lead physician." he says smiling at me.

"Thank you sir, that means alot to me that you are helping my friends mother." I say hugging him.

"Your welcome darling, now visiting hours are over so im going to have to ask you guys to leave. Have a great night, and tell your mother I said Hi." he says walking away to I guess fill out paperwork for suspending a doctor.

I go back in the room to tell the girls all the information, and they instantly hug me for helping them and getting such a great doctor to help their mother.

"Alrighty you two, let's go get you suitcases packed and head over to my house cause im tired as hell!" I say.

"Lindsey you really don't-" Kris tries to say.

"Nope, not hearing it! I'm not letting you be alone at a time like this, so come on." I say.

Imani's P.O.V.

Lindsey is such a great girlfriend. Like, I don't know what I would do without her. She is letting Kris and I stay at her place, and her mother is letting us as long as Kris and I don't fall back on are school work or are athletics.

I know my mother would say the same thing. They are so much alike, its scary. They must have read the same book on how to raise teenagers or something.

I, of course, am sleeping in Lindsey's bed. Kris is sleeping in Lindsey's guest room in her third floor apartment, which she loves. We've never had rooms so big. It's only been three days since the accident which means are weekend is up. It also means we have a game.

Lindsey keeps telling me to focus on the game, but my heart isn't really in it. I keep thinking about my mom in that hospital bed. I keep having nightmares of her funeral. Lindsey has to hold me while I cry until I fall back asleep.

Kris and I have also become closer. We finally got are sister bond back. It seems for along time it was missing. It's sad that are mother's accident is the thing that brought us closer though.

All day people have been telling us how sorry they are or they hope she gets better. Lindsey has been at my side the whole day, barely letting go of my hand. I just want to get this day over and see my mother tomorrow. This game prevents Kris and I from seeing her today.

After scool Lindsey and I just hang out in the gym since it's Kris's turn to dinner.

Next thing we know, there is shouting from the girls shooting around. They all start running towards the crowd entrance. Lindsey and I get up to go see who it is that they're fussing over.

Standing there is Cameron, and she's looking right at Lindsey with a smile on her face. Lindsey's hand tightens in mine and she goes over to hug her.

I know nothing is happening. At least I hope not.

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