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Imani P.O.V.

Dammit! After what my sister did with my ex Julie, I promised myself I wouldn't fall for another girl. It's only been one day, and Lindsey has me falling hard! I will always love my sister, but she really screw up my heart doing that bullshit. I've only known Lindsey for a day, and I feel like we've known each other for a brick!

She's just so adorably beautiful. She makes me laugh hella hard, and her voice is to die for. When we sang in class earlier today, I thought we were gonna kiss. I was just about to before she pulled away blushing. Her cheeks get so rosey. She's perfect. Are hands fit perfectly together, her little chubby hands. Her hair is so soft, you can tell she's never dyed it or straightened it daily like some of there barbie dolls. She's real.

Not to mention she's my little midget. Im pretty dang tall. Im about 5'9, she's only 5'3. If we kissed she would have to go on her tippy toes. Wait, stop!!! Imani, girl, you gotta stop. You can't get caught up. Not after what Julie did. Kris about killed her, I swear.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Lindsey says, snapping me out of my thoughts. Me being I smartass, I say

"Nah, just thinking about what im gonna name are first child." The look on her face was priceless!! I start laughing so hard tears run down my eyes.

"Ok, that was pretty funny, I will admit." she says with a chuckle.

We finally get to McDonald's, and get in line. I look through the menu and get order the double cheeseburger with a large coke and wait for Lindsey to order.

"Umm, can I get a 10 peice chicken nugget with a large coke, please." she says.

"Dame, I like a girl who can eat. All these stick figure girls are nasty when they get a little kids meal." I say.

"Im a big girl, I gots to eat!" she says while giggling.

As we wait for are food I notice some girl watching Lindsey. I don't think anything of it. We get are food, and get a table out side. As we sit down the same girl comes over and says

"Hey, Lindsey long time no see!" in a snarky way.

Lindsey's eyes get big and she looks scared.

"Go away Kelly, I don't want my day to go down the shiter cause you showed up" she says.

"Wow, Lindsey, think you got enough food. Your already big, you sure you want to eat more? Fat ass dyke bitch." Kelly says.

That's when I had enough. Nobody calls my friend derogatory words. That hurt me!

"Alright you twig ass bitch, that's enough. Go the fuck away, and go puke in a toilet or something. Leave us the fuck alone. If I ever see your face around me or Lindsey, I will personally be the one to cause your next nose job, you fack ass bitch!" I scream. People are looking at us, and Kelly's face is one of fear. She backs up, turns around and walks away quickly. I put my dreads in a ponytail, and start eating my food like nothing happened.

I feel someone hug me, and I start laughing cause Lindsey is hugging me hella hard.

"Oh my god, thank you so much. She has bullied me since 6th grade. Your like my fucking hero right now. I will do anything to make it up to you" she say really fast.

"How bout a kiss?" I say before I can think. "Wow, im sorry I didn't mean to.." she cuts me off real fast and presses her soft pink lips to mine. I swear to god I saw fireworks. I grab the back of her head and deepen the kiss. I hear her moan into my mouth and I pull back with a smile.

"Well dame, you get turned on easily. I will have to remember that!" I say with a smirk.

"Ok smartass eat your food" she says blushing.


Lindsey's P.O.V.

Her lips are definitely as soft as they look. I can't believe she made me moan just from kissing. I wanna just kiss her some more, but definitely not in a public place. Hell I just met this girl today! She's just so irresistible with her dreads. Im sich a sucker for dreads. Her skin looks so soft.

My parents know im gay, but they don't really talk about it. I think there afraid to have a gay daughter. My mother is pretty important in are town, I don't want to make her uncomfortable with people she knows. So, when im around her I put on a pretty little straight girl mask. I'm very good at wearing masks. I put one on the moment I wake up.

I have never told them I like black girls though. They would flip. The stereotype to much. They think all black girls a rachet and get pregnant in high school. I don't like thoses type of girls. I like studs that are doing something with there lives. If they saw me kiss Imani, they would probably lock me in my bedroom for life.

"So, you wanna play 21 questions? Then like after the question we can go into detail about it. So we can learn about each other." she asks.

"Sure, you go first" I say

"So, who do you live with?" She ask, going for an easy question.

"I live with my mother, step-father, brother and nephew who's 4. He's my baby. LOVE the kid to death." I says with a smile.

"Aw, that's cute. Maybe one day I can meet him." she say.

"Hmm, play any sports?" I ask.

Her eyes instantly light up "Yeah, both my sister and I play basketball. We both played on the varsity team back in are old town."she says.

"What you play? Point gaurd?" I ask.

"Wow! White girl knows basketball?! That is a first. But, yeah actually I do. My sister is a post player. I believe you just asked me two questions!" she says.

Dammit! I know she's gonna ask me two questions I don't want to answer. I can see it in her eyes.

"So, what happened to your real dad?" she asks.

My face instantly falls. I hatw the subject of my real dad.

"Umm, well. When I was about 3 or 4 they got a divorce. I was to young to really remember it. It wasn't a good one. He blames my mother for everything bad in his life. I haven't talked to him in about 3 years. When I was 5 my mom met my step dad, and he's become my dad honestly. His mother is my grandma. But she sadly died a couple months ago, and it's been really hard on me. I miss her so, I can't believe im telk you all of this. I've only told Jessy." I say. I didn't even realize im crying until she wipes my tears away and kisses my head.

"Im so sorry beautiful. I promise you I won't hurt you. I believe I still have another question. Lindsey, will you be my girlfriend?

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