Memories & Movies

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Imani's P.O.V.

I woke up to my nose being tickled by orange blossom smelling hair. Lindsey was snuggled up to my body with her head under my chin. I've never seen such a beautiful sight. She is so adorable when she sleeps. Kinda like I a chipmunk. She is balled up against my side, basically under me. No way I was gonna be able to get away from her without waking her, on account she had her arms around me. I really had to pee to!

So I did what any new girlfriend would do, I woke her up with kisses all over her face.

"Baby, your morning breath is horrible" she said with a husky voice cuddling closer to me, squinting her beautiful brown eyes.

"Sorry baby, but I really gotta pee. I'll brush my teeth to so I can kiss you with minty fresh breath." I said while getting up throwing on a sports bra and boxers and basically running to the bathroom. Finally after realising my bladder and brushing my teeth, I went back to the room and she was gone.

Guessing by the heavily smell, she's cooking breakfast. So I decided to be snoopy. Seeing her room in the daylight, makes a big difference. Her room was huge, I liked it though. The walls were a bubblegum blue, with white trim and furniture. Surprising, it looked good, not like a smurf got murdered. Her bed was huge. It was a king sleigh bed (look it up). She had pictures everywhere. Some were quotes, like those 'keep calm...' ones, other's were of people ive never seen, im guessing her family.

There was a picture of a little boy around four. He had grey blue eyes and yellow blonde hair. Definitely related to Lindsey. Had to be her nephew. There was a guy next to him that had to be his father. Almost identical, just older. Lindsey and him shared the same cheek bones, and foreheads. There was a picture of their mother. Blonde hair, petite, and beautiful. She looked to young to be there mother, but she had eyes that have seen so much. The man next to her was there stepdad. Big guy, atleast 6'2, 200 pounds. Definitely not hurting Lindsey, cause this guy looked like he could murder me and hide the body.

There was two pictures that stood out. One was of an older women with a younger, smiling, carefree Lindsey. I could see the love they shared. By the way Lindsey was hugging her, there was a never ending dedication and love. Her grandmother. I feel so bad for Lindsey, I would never beable to lose someone that close to me and still smile. I can't imagine how much hurt she feels.

The next was of her father. There was no mistaking that. The same brown eyes, smile, face. My father died when I was 2, and Kris was 3, so I never got to know him or remember his voice. So I can't imagine the abandonment Lindsey must feel. Her father just not talking to her for 3 years is a really jackass move. Father's are supposed to be there for there daughters, not forget about them for years.

"Yeah, that's the family." she said popping out of no where, scaring th shit out of me "and that's my horrible father and my beautiful grandmother" she pointed at the last two. She was dressed in the outfit she had on last night. She looks so good in blue.

"Tell me about them?" I asked trying not to look at her body.

"Umm, well, my dad is living in Michigan with his girlfriend and her daughter. I refuse to talk to those two cause there bitches. When I was 8 and she was 10, she slapped me and I punched her straight in the nose and she hit her head on the wall behind her. She cried to her mom, and her mom put me in the corner. Which started a fight between her mother and my brother that didn't end well." she said smirking at the floor.

"Why haven't you and your dad talked?" I'm trying to get her to confide in me.

"Well, last time I was up there three years ago, he didn't come and see me. He wanted me to come stay with him and his little bitches. My mother and I said no, and he said he didn't have the gas money to come see me. Even after his own father, my grandpa, said he'd give him money. So, we haven't talked since. The way I see it is the phones work both ways. Not to mention for my 15 birthday, he sent me a 'happy sweet 16 card'." she said with hirt in her voice.

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