It's Friday, Friday, Friday ohhhh!!!!

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Lindsey's P.O.V.

Finally its Friday. The whole week Imani and I have been hanging out. I think Jessy has noticed, cause she's been giving me that look that says "I know!!".

My phone vibrates in my pocket, speak of the devil. Why is she calling ne in the middle of ensemble class.

Jessy: Hey hoe, hey!!

Me: Jessy, you do realize im right next door to you, and Mr. James isn't doing anything, right?

Jessy: Meet me outside in 5 minutes, we need to talk.

I hang up. Imani has her head in my lap and I know she won't be excited about me getting up. So, I decide to make her think of something else besides me waking her up.

We're a corner in the class room, and nobody can see us. So I slide my hand to her waist line and drag my nails up her stomach to her sports bra. Her eyes pop open and she bites her lip. She moans and has a steamy look in her eyes like she wants to have her way with me.

"You trying to start something aren't you?" she says.

"Maybe im just getting you ready for whats gonna happen later tonight when you come over, sexy." I say with a wink. I get up and walk out. I can tell she's pissed, but also excited for what's gonna happen. Hell, I would be to.

I go outside and Jessy is standing the tapping her foot like I kept her waiting.

"Don't give me that look child" I say.

"Have y'all fucked yet?" she asks with a straight face.

"Jessy!?!" I whisper loudly

"What? You think I haven't noticed? I mean, it's kinda obvious. Y'all are always together, hugging, cuddling. I just wanted to tell you I give y'all my blessing. JUST DON'T GET HURT. Please." she said with a pleading look in her eyes. Jessy has always been there for me, and I know she always will. She will probably be the god mother to my future children. To bad I can't have them.

"Thanks Jes, you know I love you wifey. You'll always be my best friend." I say hugging her. "Now I better get back before your future Sister-in-law gets mad at me. Oh, by the way she's staying the night this weekend since my parents are going away till Sunday. Do you want to come over for dinner Saturday, maybe a movie with us?" I ask.

"Yeah sure. I won't stay long though, wouldn't want to upset your freaky time!" she says thrusting her hips forward making me blush.

"God your a dork sometimes, but I love you" I say hugging her and walking back in the room.


Imani  P.O.V

Im so nervous. Lindsey invited me over this weekend, and she's giving me the answer if she's mine. I really want something between us to happen, but I don't want to rush her. I'm willing to wait for her. Just something about her makes me want to protect her from anybody or anything that wants to do her harm. Im usually dominant, but I wouldn't mind her taking control.

I know she's a virgin, but her kissing skills are A1!! Just her kissing me is enough to make me want to ravish her body. I have a couple toys that im thinking about bringing, but I don't know how she would feel about them.

Right now we're on are way to my house to get my clothes and pack my stuff. Her family has already left to go to a race for the weekend. So her and I are alone till sunday, well Jessy is coming over Saturday, but I don't mind that. Jessy is pretty cool, I think her and I could be good friends.

We pull up and my sister beat us there. She tends to not abide by the speed limit. Well, Lindsey an I may have made out in her car after school, but still. I still don't like leaving Kris and Lindsey alone. Not because I think Lindsey would do anything, it's more Kris and her wandering hands and eyes.

"Alright, let's go to my room to get my stuff." I say. As soon as we walk in my mom and Kris are sitting on the sofa. Damn, I wasn't expecting my mom to be here. She's supposed to be working. Well, I guess now is as good as any to introduce Lindsey to my mom.

"Hey mom, this is my friend-" I start, but Lindsey cuts me off.

"Hello ma'am my name is Lindsey. It's nice to meet you. Im Imani's friend. We're in the same grade. Can Imani spend the night at my house till Sunday? I promise we will be on are best behavior, and I will get your daughter home safe and sound." she says in her little country voice. Never heard that accent be for. gonna have to ask about that later.

My mom is just sitting there with a look of amazement.

"Kris, by the way you made her sound I thought she was a disrespectful snot. Hello Lindsey, you are such a sweetheart. Yes, Imani can spend the night. Here Imani, take some money for y'all to get some dinner." she says handing me $30 bucks. My mom never gives me money.

"Thank you ma'am but it's really ok. I know how to cook and I have money to get pizza or something. What exactly did Kris say?" asked Lindsey.

"Well, she said you were trying to seduce her and that you were 'ratchet'" she says with air quotes. I instantly see red. How dare Kris try to paint a false image of Lindsey.

"Oh, no ma'am that's not what happened. Kris pinned me to the door and said I would be her's. I was afraid of what she was gonna do, she was really close." Lindsey says with a quiver in her voice.

"Kris how dare you force yourself on this sweet child!!! Give me your phone and go to your room. I better not hear a peep out of you or I swear be for Jesus I will beat your ass." yells my mother. Kris has a evil look as she hands over her phone.

Lindsey and I go to my room to pack my stuff. I put some special items in the bag while she's in the bathroom. Yeah, this is gonna be a good weekend.

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