Turn up!!

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Lindsey's P.O.V.

Since it was supposed to be a suprise party, Kris and Jessy went back to my house to get ready and let people in. They took all the jello shots with them. So, Imani and I got ready at her apartment. We were stopping by the hospital to see her mother first.

I bought this cute ass black dress. It's knee length, and the sleeves went to mid-forearm. It was a kind of lace though. I got gold jewelry, kinda edgy but it was perfect with the outfit. I slicked my hair back into a tight pun. Not to mention my glasses gave it a naughty librarian feel. I put on some blood red lipstick, and it finished the look.

Imani was just plain out sexy! She wore a black dress shirt that was tight around her arms, showing off her muscles. Kris braided her dreads before she left, and she wore a pair of geeky glasses. She had on a pair of black dress shoes and pants. To finish it off she wore a sexy red bowtie.

"Dame babe you look gorgeous!" Imani says making me blush and hugging me around the waist.

"If you kiss me your gonna have red lipstick on your lips!" I say covering my mouth.

"It's worth those soft lips." she says uncovering my hand and softly kissing me. So much love in one kiss, it's unbelievable. I giggled and rub the lipstick off, but it still left her lips a little reddish.

"Mmm, you know I love your kisses babe. We gotta go though. You mom is expecting us, and the party starts at nine, so we got an hour and a half." I say grabbing my keys and handing them to Imani. "Here you go babe, you can drive." I say handing them to her.

She didn't get her permit till she was 16, so she will get her license on Monday if she passes the test. She smiles really big at me and foolishly skips to the car. I've never let her drive with me in the car, I left that for her mom and sister, so im kinda terrified.

"Ok, don't kill me, I want to live till tonight you know." I say buckling my seatbelt and firmly grasping the 'oh shit' handle.

"Why, what's tonight babe?" she says looking at me out of the corner of her eye.

"Oh nothing, just the best present you'll ever get." I say looking out the window, watching the trees fly by.

We finally get to the hospital, it's after visiting hours but I pulled some strings. Her mom is getting better. They said the brain swelling has healed, but her leg will be in a cast for 4 to 6 months. They had to do surgery and place medel bar and screws in her bone.

Since she works at the hospital, they obviously see that she can't work. So, the hospital is giving her paid leave for 4 months, then she can work the desks if it hasn't healed all the way. The guy that hit her is being sued by her and the hospital for hitting one of its employees. Apparently, he's some big hot shot from out of town who got a little to drunk, and decided to drive to the hospital.

She is sueing for a shit load if money! Like, millions. Hell, he can afford it! I mean, he's rolling in money.

We head in and as soon as she sees Imani, her face instantly brightens. You can visibly see she loves her daughter's, they are her whole world.

"Happy birthday baby girl!" she screams as Imani hugs her hard.

"Hey momma, how are you?" she asks pulling up a chair. She pulls me into her lap, and I wrap my right arm around her shoulder.

"Good, my lawyer came in to see me today. He said that the man who hit me is willing to pay me out, but I still wanna take it to court. I'm getting money either way, but one way he gets off scott free the other a reckless drivers gets his punishment." she says. I totally respect her decision.

"That's great momma. I'm proud of you for doing this." she says smiling and squeezing her hand.

"No, I'm proud of you baby girl. Your 17!! You have spectacular grades, you excel in sports, and you obviously have great taste in partners. You have done everything I can hope, and will do!" she says, tears coming to her eyes.

"Did you get it?" she looks at me and asks. I nod and reach my bag as Imani looks confused as hell at the both of us.

I hand her the jewelry box she asked me to get. I grabbed it while Imani was napping, yeah, im sneaky. She told me there was something in there that she wanted to give Imani for her birthday.

"Now, I decided after your father died that you and Kris deserved something of his. He always told me if he died young he wanted you to have something of his. He wanted you to have his matching gold chain link necklace and bracelet. He got them from his mother after he graduated high school in Jamaica. He left Kris his Police badge and his wedding ring, which I gave her on her 17th birthday also." she says grabbing the necklace and bracelet out of the box, crying and sniffling. I grab the necklace and put it on her. Imani has tears in her eyes as she looks at the bracelet on her wrist.

"Thank you momma, I know Papa is looking down on us smiling right now. Sometimes I see his face in my dreams. Like long forgotten memories. I miss him momma. I will always remember his loud laugh." she says smiling as she thinks of the memories.

"That's good baby girl. Hold on to those for as long as you can. Tell your children about their brave grandfather who died a hero." she says patting Imani's hand and smiling a sad smile.

"I promise momma. Lindsey will tell them about her grandma to. That's why we're so great together. We understand the pain of losing someone we love. We know what it feels like to be heartbroken." she says kissing my now watery cheeks.

"I love you baby." I say kissing her lips.

"Ok you two! Break it up! Just kidding, but enough of this sad stuff, go enjoy your birthday baby girl." she says wiping her cheeks and shooing us out of the room from her bed.

"Alrighty momma, I love you." Imani says kissing her mothers cheek and moving towards the door.

"Bye babies!" she says from her bed turning on her muted television.


"Baby, time to open presents!!" I yell to her over the loud music.

I walk over to the DJ to tell him to cut the music and hand me a microphone. Everyone looks madly up at me like I messed up there dancing.

"Alrighty everyone, It's time to open presents and eat some delicious cake." I say as I head over to the the table set up in the living room. It was stacked with presents.

"Ok everyone, she will open presents then we will bring out the cake and sing happy birthday." I say into the microphone making Imani blush.

Everybody calls out when she opens there gifts. The girls and boys basketball teams showed up and alot of people we know from classes. Imani pretty much got a whole knew wardrobe and a shit loud of jewelry. Kris thought it would be funny and got her a strap on, even though we all know she has one. I found it awhile ago. She basically left it in her bag that stays at my house.

She got alot of money to, I think around $350. Knowing her she will probably spend it one me cause she's like that. She spoils the hell out of me, good thing im humble cause if not I would be a bitch.

The cake was the best part of the night though. It was a huge three tier cake. It was orange with basketball lines going down it. The texture if it was the texture of a brand new basketball. On to where sparklers and a huge number 17 on it. She was amazed by it, and so was everyone else. As soon as they saw it they started clapping out of amazement. Imani just gasped and kissed me while trying not to laugh.

Plus, it tasted pretty dang good.

Kris was kinda bummed at the beginning of night though. She asked me if Jessy liked girls, and I had to break it to her that she didn't. The funny part though is, as soon as Cameron showed up she instantly brightened. I never pegged Kris for a Stud for Stud lesbian, but hey crazy shit has happened.

Now, im just getting the last stragglers to leave. Cause, in a littke bit I had to give Imani her last present of the night. I already know she will like it.

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