Be careful.

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Lindsey's P.O.V

I go in and find Imani getting dressed. I sneak up behind her and she lets out the girliest scream . I started laughing so hard I feel down and the puppies attack me and she jumps on me.

"Say your sorry!!" Imani screamed tickling me. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath. Then she started kissing me, making me moan and struggle against her.

Then the dang intercom that connects my parent's floor to mine beeps and my mother's voice tells me there home.

"Alright, we gotta go down and see them. Grab Roman." I say grabbing King and heading into the elevator to go down stairs. I start getting nervous.

"Babe, it's ok." Imani says kissing my forehead.

As the doors open, my mom is there. As soon as she see the puppies she gasps.

"Lindsey Rose, were did you get those puppies!?" she tries to be mad, but I can see the adoration in here eyes.

"Well, Imani and I went to go get dinner last night and they were in a box on the side of the rode." she finally looks at Imani, and a look of realization comes to her eyes. "We couldn't just leave them, so Imani is taking one and im taking the other." I say.

She shoves us back in the elevator and when we get about half way up, she pushes the button to stop it.

"Y'all are together aren't you." I try to say something but she silences me. " I don't care. Just realize you will go through ridicule. Imani if you hurt my daughter, I have people on speedial that can make sure your never found."

"Yes ma'am. I don't plan on hurting her ever. She's to beautiful and kind to break her heart." Imani says looking me in the eyes and smiling.

"Now, hand over the puppies and nobody gets hurt." my mother says taking them from are arms. She clicks the button and we go back down. As soon as the doors open my nephew pounces on me.

"Wuwu, I missed chu!" he says giving me a big hug. My family nickname is Lulu, and he can't say his L's.

"I missed you to buddy, how was the race?" I ask.

"My momo went really fast. Papa and Dada won!!" he says. (Momo is a racing fourwheeler)

"That's great buddy. Hey, I want you to meet someone. Her name is Imani." I say. He walks over to her and tugs on her her hand to pull her down to his level. Then he hugs her, her face is full if amazement.

"Why is your hair like this, Mani?" he asks and grabs one of her dreads.

"It's the way I got it done." she says shaking her head to make them go everywhere. He just giggles and runs away with Imani chasing after him.

"She's good with him." my mother said

"I really like her mom. She's wonderful."I say laughing as she catches him and starts tickling him till he screaming with laughter.

"I hope you understand not many people in this town are open to interracial dating, let alone lesbian's." she says

"I know mom, but im willing to deal with it for her. She's amazing. Everything you want for me." I say, she puts down the puppies and grabs me in a big hug.

"Anybody who makes you happy, is ok in my book. Just don't let her hurt you or anyone who tries to tell you that your relationship is wrong. I raised you to stick up for yourself, ok?" she says making me look in her eyes.

"Yes momma, I promise." I say, just as Imani comes up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist.

"Now, let's go tell your stepfather. I don't think he's gonna be happy about the puppies, I don't know how he's gonna feel about you two." she says walking towards my brother's house in the back were there putting the fourwheelers away.

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