Chapter 4

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   The lights turn on at 7:30 giving us an hour before our first class starts. Most mornings I walk around slowly trying to wake up. Today however I am very excited for my first day. I put together a breezy outfit, a flowered top, skinny jeans, my favorite pair of Converse, and since it is cold in Canada, a jean jacket. I put my blond hair in a messy bun.
I wait for Isa to finish so she can show me to our first class,Classifaction of Electra. Electra, I learn, Is a fancy term for our powers or whatever. Unfortunately for me, I have no idea what my Electra is. Maybe I will find out. Maybe this is all a big scam like I thought.
"You ready?" Isa asks, putting her hair in a ponytail. She is dressed similarly to yesterday. Today her shirt says Beo an là,
which I can only assume is Irish.
"More or less." I say.
"These classes will be easier once you find out your Electra." She tells me answering my mental question.
I nod. I wonder if we need any school supplies. I think.
"No.Most of our work is hands-on.The rest they supply us with." She says.
"Will you always do this?"
"Pretty much."
If it wasn't for Isa, I would have never found the classroom. This school is a maze of corridors and rooms. We get into the classroom a few minutes early. I am surprised to see normal desks and chairs. The room is really big, about the size of my school cafeteria. Its lit by sconces on the walls. There are many bookcases on the walls although most appear to be empty. It looks like a modern enough classroom although there is no whiteboard or television. One thing I've noticed is that there is no technology in this school. Great.
I take a seat next to Isa. The desks are just like any other one at school. Suddenly there is a woman standing in front of my desk. I yelp and stumble backwards."Oh, I'm so sorry about that. I forgot I can be alarming." The woman says, helping me up. "I am Professor Anil." She wears a vibrant green dress and her black hair is pulled up into a sharp bun.
"It's okay." I say, dusting myself off. "I am Carly Hope." I say shaking her hand.
"Sorry again if I startled you. I am a teleporter. I can teleport from place to place." Professor Anil says, teleporting across the room.
Just then, Vandailia enters the room and takes the other seat next to Isa. I didn't know she was in this class too.
"This is considered a core class, so everyone has to take it." Isa says.
I will just have to get used to this, I think.
Isa nods.
A dinging noise flows through the room. I wonder what that means.Isa gives me a note that it means class has started. Most of the desks have filed up by now. Professor Anil stands at the front of the room. "Okay,good morning class. So let's get started-"
"Wait! Wait! Wait! I'm here!" She is interrupted by Alice rushing in late.
Professor Anil doesn't look mad she just teleports in front of Alice. "Late again?" She says with a slight smile.
"Yup." Alice says, shoving her hands in her pocket.
"Well go sit down." Professor Anil says, motioning to the desks.
Alice rushes to sit down in a desk in front of mine.
Professor Anil teleports back to front of the room. "Now,what I was saying. Some of you may be aware that our textbooks have all been hidden on the roof. So I have an easy actitivity for you today." She disappeared momentarily and came back holding lots of notebook paper and 2# pencils. "I want you to write, nothing much just put some thought into it. What I want you to write about is...What is your favorite thing about your Electra? At the end of class I will collect these. Any questions?"
I raised my hand shyly."I don't exactly know what my Electra is."
"Oh...well, just write about what you think it could be."

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