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Lele's POV

FINALLY! FINALLY IN HAWAAIIIII!!!!! "Come on! I wanna go see the hotel!!" I say smiling. Juanpa puts his arm around me and says, "We still have to get on the tour bus, and get our bags." I groan and take out my phone. I take a selfie of me and Juanpa and post it. It always makes me smile when it immediately blows up and gets hundreds of likes instantly, it's nice to know people like what youtubers do. The first comment was about some person who I had followed, they comment on every picture, saying to look at their bio to see how I followed them. The rest were about how people were happy that we were together.

Once we get outside, it's so warm even for the night. Pretty humid if I might add. Some guy comes and gives us the flower leis, they smelled really good too. It had white flowers with purple orchids. We walk to the tour bus where somebody puts our luggages in the back of the bus, and we pick our seats. I kinda wish I had taken my hoodie out of my luggage, because that bus was really cold inside, and it didn't help that there was air conditioners above every seat. Me and Juanpa sit together, with Inanna and Hannah behind us. Once the tour guide starts driving and talking, Juanpa puts his arm around me and I lean against his shoulder. I scoot a little closer to him once I realize how warm he is. I got tired so I close my eyes and listen to the tour guide talk. Next thing I know, I'm sitting on the seat, with my arms wrapped around Juanpa and the tour guide pulling into a parking garage. I slowly open my eyes to see the huge hotel buildings outside the window.

Inanna and Hannah keep talking about how cute me and Juanpa were. All the guys were in a group behind us, teasing Juanpa. "It was adorable!" Inanna said nudging my arm. "I know right?! I took so many pictures!" Hannah said. "What?" "Uh nothing."

We get to the tower we're staying in, and check in at the front desk. Inanna said that we got a bigger room with four beds, which confused me. "But there's 6 of us Inanna, how are we supposed to fit in 4 beds?" I ask. "You'll see.." She says with a devilish grin. That got me confused but I was too excited to care. We took the elevator to the 19th floor and found the rooms number. I swiped the card and the little red light on the door handle turned green. I opened the door and start walking around the room, speechless. I don't know why I was speechless, maybe I'm just excited. Yeah, there's no maybe, I'm definitely excited. I open the slider door and look down. There's a pool down there, with lights inside that light up around it. I can see the palm trees and pool chairs with tired parents watching their kids splash around in the water.

I run back inside and sit on one of the beds. "So how are we all gonna fit?" I ask Inanna again. "Well you and Juanpa there an-" "Wait what?!" Me and Juanpa cut her off. Hannah laughs and says," Well it's not like you haven't done it before!" Me and Juanpa look at each other awkwardly. "Yeah." Twan agrees laughing with her. "Pshh, What are you two laughing at? You guys are sharing too." Inanna says smiling, letting out a small laugh. That shut them up. "What?" They say in unison. Me and Juanpa laugh at them, they shoot us a death glare. "I get my own bed right?" Logan asks hopefully. "Yeah" Inanna says. "Well why don't you two have to sleep in the same bed?" Hannah asks. "Well, Juanpa and Lele are dating, you and Twan are shipped together, and me and Logan have pretty much no ships or romantic relationship with each other so... Yah.." Inanna explains. Deep down I knew that I honestly didn't really mind that me and Juanpa were sleeping together, if anything, it's better than sleeping alone.

Eventually, everyone gets tired and gets in bed. Twan and Hannah are both on different sides of the bed, I can't blame them for feeling awkward. Me and Juanpa both are laying down, using our phones. Juanpa is checking his messages, and I'm sitting with my eyes closed listening to Poo Bear and Rudy's new music video "Black and White". At some point I get really tired, I turn off my music and sit up. "I'm gonna go to sleep, night baby." I say giving Juanpa a kiss. "Night, love you." He says smiling. "Love you." I say smiling back. I lay down and curl up in a ball, pulling the covers up a little. I close my eyes and start drifting off.

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