Last Time I'll Ever See This Place

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Lele's POV

I can literally feel my heart beating out of my chest. TODAY WE TAKE THE DANG FRICKEN FINALS. Should I be nervous? No...


I have so many fricken things in my brain, that it'll explode under pressure before I even reach a computer. Unfortunately, I had to eat a salad for breakfast since they always say, "It helps you stay awake, energized, and focused." Blah blah blah...

I have a way with bad luck, so of course, I'm in the group for taking it on the first day, first session, first out of everyone in the house.

The Uber pulls up to the front of campus. I thank him and pull out a guidance thing that we got in the mail.

Dear Eleonora Pons,

(God I hate it when they use my full name.)

Please meet your finals group by the fountain. You will notice a group with your professors. Please proceed with them to your main classroom and take your test. It will possibly take up to 3 hours, so feel free to bring a lunch or snack.

Thank You.

Ugh, 3 hours?! Seriously...

At least I actually brought lunch. I see the group with my professors and other students. After a couple more people show up, they lead us to the dramatic arts department to drop off our stuff, and then to the library. (Which is huge btw) I find a desktop, log into my testing account thing, and start the first question.

*1 hour later*

Ugh, these questions are surprisingly hard, although it doesn't really matter because I know all the answers automatically. I've had atleast 15 hours or more of studying, and a lot of experience. I should just go grab my lunch, I'm hungry as heck. Salads don't exactly fill you up as well as French toast...

I leave the classroom with a nod from the main professor, which I'm pretty sure means that I'm allowed to leave for lunch. After grabbing my stuff, I head by the fountain and sit on a bench that faces the front of campus. I see a black car pull up. 3 people come out, which I'm pretty sure are Logan, Inanna, and Liza. I see their finals groups gathering near me and the sign that says, "DO NOT FEED ANY LIVING INHABITANTS OF THIS FOUNTAIN."

They walk up to me, and groan. "Your lucky, your almost done," Hannah sits down next to me. "By almost, you mean 1/3 in," I correct her. "I'd rather be editing," Liza mutters. "It's actually been pretty easy, and it should be for you as long as you weren't spacing out during all those study sessions." I laugh, "Oh, and I hope you brought lunch."

*After test*

The rest of it went by as easily as the first hour. I was the first one done, while all the other students probably had at least an hour left. I left the building, got my stuff, and went to the front of campus.

Dang, this might be the last time I'll ever see this place.

I look up to my old dorm. I remember everything.


How is it possible that one guy can care so much, that he doesn't go home for over a week, just because I was sad? And skips his classes to take care of me when I'm sick, even tho he might get sick too?" She asked and smiled. "I guess your special :)" I said smiling.

She sat up and leaned close to me, until our noses and foreheads were touching. "Yeah, I guess I am :)"  We looked in each other's eyes and then, our lips connected. Hers were so soft, like an angel. I could've done it all day, but we pulled apart. "I love you Juanpa...." she said softly. "I love you too mi amor" I said. And we kissed again.

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