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Kay I just wanna say thx for 200 votes, and we're really close to 4K views which is AWESOME. I didn't mention it, but the last chapter was my 50th!!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING SEEYA AWESOME NERDS 🤓

Juanpa's POV

Waking up, I realize that me and Lele didn't stay awake long enough for us to remember that she was still in my room. I guess she was pretty cold last night. She was huddled up against me with her hands under her head. A thin gray comforter was over us, making it hard to move without waking her up. She was still asleep, so I didn't really know what to do. I guess I should just wait until she wakes up.

I look behind me, and become blinded by the sun shining through the window. I grab my phone and quickly turn away before the sun burns a hole through my eyes. 6:28, almost perfect timing. Me and Lele always wake up at 6:30 to make breakfast so we have extra time. There's a lot of people, so there's definitely a lot of food needed, but I don't know why we wake up so early. It's not like anyone else is gonna wake up anytime soon.

As I'm about to wake her up, I see her yawn and scratch her head. She turns over and looks at me, "Uhh, what happened?" She squints trying to avoid the sunlight, or maybe she's just tired. "Oh, we met a purple monkey named Bon Bon that took us on an adventure to wonderland. We defeated an evil witch and lived happily ever after in a princess castle with a golden retriever and 7 goblins." I say sarcastically. She laughs, and checks her phone. "Crap, we gotta make food." She groans, and sits up. "Why do we wake up so early? Nobody around here wakes up before at least 11."

She stands up, "I dunno.." She shrugs. I get up, and walk downstairs with Lele. We're both wearing clothes from Promise Land since we got a huge haul from the photoshoot. Normally you don't get to keep the clothes, so I guess we got lucky. "What we makin'?" Lele asks, tapping her fingers repeatedly on the granite counter. "Waffles would be easiest," I say, grabbing the pancake mix.

I figure everyone's gonna eat about 2 waffles, but I'm too tired to do the math even if it's the easiest thing in the world. I think Lele's pretty much as brain-dead as me right now, cause she just makes enough batter for about 35, which is probably too much but whatever.

After making them all, it gets to around 7:30. Lele just left for the gym, so I guess I'll just watch Netflix.

Lele's POV

While waiting for the green light, I see a familiar black motorcycle in the gyms parking lot. It has someone sitting on the wheel with a black and white helmet that matches the bike.

Why does it look so... familiar?

They take off their helmet, and I immediately recognize them. Of course it's Jason. Just my luck.....

A car behind me honks loudly as I snap back into reality. I realize the light is green, and I start driving. I guess I'm not going to the gym this morning. I might as well enjoy my free time. When Logan wakes up, he won't let me out of his sight. I start driving to the nearest Starbucks, which isn't too far. When I get there, it's not as packed as it usually is. I get to the front of the line after a couple teen girls who look like they could be super models. I was kinda jealous, but after seeing their horrible attempt at flirting with a couple of guys in the corner, I felt a lot better about myself. 😂

A bell by the door dinged, meaning someone had come in. I didn't think it was a big deal until of course, Logan walks in. "Name? Oh, well, I guess I already know," The barista gives a nervous giggle. I send her a smile, and walk over to Logan, who's waving back to a little girl that recognized him. "I'm surprised you woke up so early, how'd you find me?" "Juanpa told me you were at the gym, but.... there's a Starbucks and I couldn't really help myself. This is early for me, I need some coffee." I laugh at his tired slump and half opened eyes.

"Yeah, couldn't tell." I roll my eyes sarcastically. The barista calls my name, and I see a few curious heads turn. I smile awkwardly at them and walk over to the counter. "Thanks," I say, and grab my drink. We walk out and sit in a couple chairs outside. I set my drink on the table, and see that across the street, Jason was still on his motorcycle. Except this time, there was a girl. She had curly platinum blonde hair with a dark purple streak, not like the auburn hair I saw on Carolyn Hall. They were glued tight together, making out.

When Logan looked away, I took a picture. Yeah, I know it's creepy, but Carolyn had to know about this.

"Get a room," I muttered taking a sip of my coffee. Logan glared at Jason, but this time, Jason looked back. Jason eyed me head to toe, smirking. The girl turned his head to her, and whispered something in his ear. She stood up and walked to a fancy car. I think that all the extensions glued to her head must have messed up her brain if she thinks it's a good idea to hang out with him. Jason walked into the gym, giving us one last look.

"Cmon, Lets go," Logan says with an annoyed tone. "Wh-" "Lets go."

Juanpa's POV

I see Logan and Lele's cars pull up into the driveway. When Logan gets out, I can already tell he's kinda mad. Lele shakes her head, and rolls her eyes. As they open the door, I hear Lele say, "I'll make you coffee if you stop being such a grouch." Logan smiles, and ruffles her hair.






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