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Mkay so..... whenever I search up zuripons books, I see that some people need a little help.....

Imma just give people some tips that'll probably help if ur writing a zuripons book/romance

1. Don't rush into anything
A lot of authors like to rush into the whole dating thing because they want their book to be exposed to new ideas and drama stuff. DONT DO THAT!!!! Don't rush. Don't rush especially if they just met each other. You know what I think when I see people rushing?

Wow that's real quick.... Isn't it awkward? It seems totally unrealistic. This is a romance book, not a fantasy book.

I don't care if u wanna make cheesy and cliche moments, that kinda cute. It's fun to read when people do that. But please, don't rush. What happens, is it gets confusing for the reader. They have all these questions that won't be answered. Your readers won't be able to understand the characters personality because now that the people are dating, the author often makes them sound like they know each other better than anyone else. If it's kinda like a one day thing, then it gradually, slowly turns into something more, it's not that bad. But when characters first meet, and they tell each other that they love each other, that's just plain unrealistic.

2. Engage your readers

Engaging your readers is extremely important. First way, is to reply to their comments, and get to know them on somewhat of a personal level. Get to know what they're like and what their reading/writing style is. (Just don't get creepy, u don't wanna sound like a stalker) Yes, it is a great way to gain followers, and loyal readers, but don't do it for that reason. I reply to my comments and followers because I'm glad they like my book. They're loyal readers and that's what I like about them. Read a couple of my chapters comments and see what I mean. You can get so many ideas from them, and they are AWESOME.

Another way is to update often. If you don't update, readers will get impatient, and go for something else. Don't overwork yourself, use a schedule that works for you. Tell your readers how often you post. After a while, don't sweat it if you never told them your writing schedule. They probably are used to it by that point.

3. Said is Dead

Stop saying said so much!! He said, she said, they said, it said. NUH UH!! You need some details. I know I say said often, because I have a lot of dialogue, but that's because I already explained in detail what they were doing BEFORE I put their words in. Use some of these:

Exclaim, yelled, concluded, whispered, replied, mumbled, screamed, cried, asked, muttered, questioned, snapped, jeered, claimed, remarked, confessed, explained, told, murmured, cheered, demanded, ordered, sneered, groaned.

And some adverbs:

Quickly, quietly, slowly, swiftly, loudly, enthusiastically, carefully, sadly, happily, violently, rudely, kindly, patiently, carelessly, barely, scarcely, cheerfully, awkwardly, uncomfortable, painfully.

4. Rules Of Dialogue

✅ Start with a new line for every new speaker
✅ Capitalize the first letter of spoken dialogue
✅ Indent new lines of dialogue
✅ Use commas to separate the speaker from the dialogue, unless u used exclamation points or question marks
✅ Put commas and periods inside quotation marks

Now, I'm in no place to tell you how to write your book. Heck, my book doesn't have indenting, or new lines for every speaker. But this is just advice, you don't have to listen to me.

5. Criticize Dies

NEVER EVER EVER EVER CRITICIZE A BOOK UNLESS ITS FRIENDLY TIPS AND ADVICE. You kinda just kill the vibe man... When you publicly make fun of someone's book, they often lose hope. They give up, and if they can't meet up to your standards, go back to where you came from and sit on your own golden throne. Don't turn their golden throne into a pile of trash. Stick your nose up at your own servants, not a learning writer. They might not have as much experience as you. If you have something wrong with their writing, give them a tip, a FRIENDLY TIP. Kay?

If u want more advice and tips, ask me for them anytime

Trust me, i have A LOT MORE

And here's another, it wont affect any of ur writing, but.... ya know





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