Dear Students

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Carolyn's POV

I sat up, groaning. Carly hadn't come back, I'm willing to bet she went back to Jason's. I let go of the beer bottle, and hear a loud thud as it hits the carpet. It sounds like it's echoing. I feel like I need to throw up, I try to stand up. I stumble back, and hit my head against a barstool. I grasp the edges and use it to stand up. While trying to go to the sink, I hold on to any surface that will keep me from falling.

I rush to the sink and throw it all up. Stumbling multiple times, I grab the orange bottle, and shake a couple pills into my palm. I swallow them, and go sit on the couch.

Lele's POV

"Well, that was... um, quite a night." Logan nods in agreement. "You think she's alright?" Juanpa asks as I pull into the driveway. "I don't think so," I reply honestly. "Alright, it's like 4 in the morning, and we have school tomorrow so.." Me and Juanpa groan. "Ugh, I totally forgot about that."

I'm only gonna get about 3 hours of sleep, and tomorrow is the first day of school after at least a month. Not good...

We get out of the car and go inside. "I'm gonna go to sleep, night lovebirds," He laughs, and runs upstairs. I yawn, "Why did I wait to tell Carolyn? Then we would be getting way more sleep." I shake my head. "Hey Juanpa?" I ask, and turn to him. "Can you," I play with my fingers. "Can you stay with me tonight?" I ask. He smiles, "Of course."

I go upstairs with him, and lay down with him. I lay close against him, and he wraps his arms around me. "Night," I say giving him a kiss. "Night," He replies with a small laugh.

*7 AM*

I wake up, even closer to Juanpa. His arms were still around me. Juanpa wakes up too, "Morning," He says sleepily. "What time is it? We probably have to get ready." I didn't want to get up. His warmth was comforting, and I just felt too comfortable to leave. My phone dings, and I get a notification from my news app, and an email. I check the email first.

"Dear Students,

I'm sorry to inform you that there has been an incident in the past couple of days. Classes have been postponed for a predicted 3 days. On Friday, you may return to you classes and proceed with your studies.

Thank you."

I mentally fist bump and high five myself. No more classes for 3 days? This just keeps getting better and better.

I nestle back into his arms. I didn't care to check the news right now. I can tell Juanpa was reading the email over my shoulders seeing as he didn't get up. He just let me rest in his arms.

"Please tell me you locked the door, I have a feeling that if anyone saw us like this, there would be a lot of pictures..." I look behind me at Juanpa. "You didn't, did you?" I raise my eyebrows. He shakes his head, laughing nervously. "Hm, I don't really care. I guess it's worth it," I turn back around, and continue to lay there with him. "You think the others got back?" I ask, curiously, after a long silence. I liked the moment. No one was around, just me and him. "Maybe, now that schools not today their probably enjoying their time off," He says with a small laugh.

It's kinda weird when it's so quiet. It's incredibly rare with Logan around, or when me, Inanna, and Hannah are all in the same room. It's nice having people around, but sometimes it's nice to just have some alone time with Juanpa. With so many people in one house, You never really get a second alone.

"This is hard, living with so many people." I finally say, breaking the silence once again. "Yeah, maybe we should just split it. Like, half of us in this house, get another one for the rest,"Juanpa agrees.

"Yo Jua-" Logan says walking in. I think we both had the same idea, since we were both pretending to be asleep. "Wow. I'm not a fan girl but that is fricken adorable," Twan laughs and walks in behind him. He takes a picture and I hear him texting. Barely a minute later Hannah and Inanna walk in, trying to hold in uncontrollable laughs. "That is the cutest thing ever," Hannah says.

Me and Juanpa still pretend to be asleep. I don't even know why we're even doing this. 

"Lele's alarm is gonna go off soon," Inanna says. She quietly takes my phone, and turns it off. How does she even know my password? I changed it after she used it to send herself all the pictures I had taken with Juanpa. 😂

Even though my eyes are closed, I know Hannah is taking pictures. "I'm gonna post it on Instagram," She laughs with everyone else. "Don't you dare," I mutter, wanting to laugh.

"Oh, your awake," Logan says, still laughing. "Oops," Hannah says, and hides behind Twan. "She's gonna kill me," She whispers while holding on to his shoulder. He laughs, and slings her over his shoulder. "Ugh, Twan! Put me down!" She pouts. I take out my phone and take a picture. "I'm gonna post it on Instagram," I say in my best Hannah impression. "No!" She laughs, trying to get down. Twan laughs," Sorry, this is what you get for eating my fourth taco," He laughs.

He walks out, and I already know what he's gonna do. Although I didn't really want to get up, me, Logan, Juanpa, and Inanna ran after them. He walks down the stairs.

"It was one bite!" She says. "It's still a taco," He reminds her. "I could not agree more," Juanpa says. He walks out the back door, and goes down the steps. She sees the pool. "I swear, Twan. If you do this I will literally murder you with Taco Bell's tacos," She says as he approaches the pool. "At least I'll have an honorable death," He laughs. "Aww, I wanna die by tacos..." I pout.


Twan is about to throw her in, but then like a complete savage, she twists the other way, gets off of his back, and pushes him in. Twan falls in, and Hannah starts laughing. She turns around, and Twan grabs her hand. He pulls her back a little and she falls back. He catches her right before she hits the water.

"Ok, ok. I learned my lesson," She holds her hands up in defeat and braces herself in case he drops her in. "Sorry, but a  my taco didn't like you," He smiles. He quickly pulls back his arms, and Hannah falls in. I quickly put away my phone before she sees I was recording the whole thing. I cautiously take it out, and go to Instagram. Hannah emerges from the water, and playfully splashes Twan. She finally looks at me, "What are you doing?" She asks suspiciously. "Nothin'," I say with a smirk. I immediately see hundreds of comments.

Omg Twannah for realz bro


Are they dating?

Hannah is so pretty!

Perfect couple, no doubt

Not as cute as the zuripons video Hannah posted a couple minutes ago

Lele u and Juanpa need to have a pic like that


I know that not much happened this chapter but at least it's over 1,000 words so..




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