Chapter 3 : By a Few Minutes

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Qing's POV

"Wang Qing what are you doing! Sit down!" My mom whispered angrily as she pulled me back to my seat. Huh? I didn't remember standing up. I started sipping my hot white tea to regain my composure back.

The performers played their role pretty good, but my gaze was only fixed on the guy with pretty eyes, those plump lips. I wonder.. Huh? What was I thinking? Focus Wang Qing! Focus! 

His performance was beyond good. I can feel his heart broken while he parted with his lover. I could see tears was pilling up in the corner of his eyes. It would be rolling down his face once he closed his eyes. The white warm stage light illuminated his watery eyes.

After stood there for a while, other performers went on stage and he turned to went backstage. At this moment, even if it was just merely a split second, my eyes met his glowing eyes. As if I stroke by lightning, my brain short-circuited and needed to be rebooted. Around me, everything was in fast-forward while he was motionless in the middle of it all. Then he was gone, I gasped for air.

What was happening? Did I hold my breath?

On my left side, my mom looked at me frowning with questioning eyes. I shrugged like nothing happened. Gran was too immersed into the play, she didn't notice anything around her.

Then came the scene where the lover reunited. That rose color plump lips curved upwards and his eyes was beaming with happiness.

He faced off with the girl, his delicate fingers touched the girl's hair, then leaning closer to her. Their faces slowly started to get closer and closer together, until they kissed.

I felt a burning sensation in my stomach. Without knowing, I started to clench my jaw and my hands on the table were already balled into fists until my knuckles turned white. I lost all senses, until I felt my mom's hand touched mine. "What's wrong Qing?" She looked worried and puzzled.

Got my senses back, I tried to relaxing my body. Sipping my now already cold tea and eat the sweets in one mouthful.

"Qing?" My mom kept asking me. I didn't know! I was never acting like that before, I didn't understand what was happening. But I know what I should do after the play ended.

"Nothing mom. They performed really good, got me stuck into the story."

"I never know you like ancient love story this much." She still gave me the puzzled look. That sentence triggered Gran interest.

"What did I tell you! Historical play is the best. But you never listened to me. We should come again." We were whispering to each other as we didn't want to disturbed others.

"Yeah, we should." If that guy was here.

They looked utterly shocked and confused. I had always rejected their invitation to such a play before, but now I said I was willing to go. I also shocked myself.

I knew I need to talk to that pretty eyed guy. I want to talk to him, to know him. Not just sat and watched him perform for afar.

But as I was coming back to earth from my drowning mind, the play has long ended. Gran and Mom was talking and laughing about something. The guests were slowly leaving the pavilion. Shit! I jumped off my chair, half running headed to the backstage.

I knocked the backstage door several times. Someone was coming.

I directly asked him "Can I meet with the guy who played as Hou Fangyu?"

"Oh you mean Feng Jianyu?" Feng Jianyu.. What a beautiful name just like him. Smile crept on my face.

"Sorry,he just left minutes ago"

Dayu's POV

After the tiring yet satisfying performance, I went out from the backstage door directly to the 2nd floor to my aunt's office. Qiu Shi texted me his parents were there and waiting for me upstairs. When I was walking upstairs, my eyes were looking for someone.

The guy that stood up in the middle of the play and just stared directly to my eyes. Even though the pavilion was dimly lit, I could still saw his face. I guessed he's about the same age as me. He was really tall, has a strong jaw. An attractive aura. Maybe that was why my eyes were looking for him again.

But he wasn't there anymore. That was weird, a few minutes ago as I got off the stage he was still there. Maybe he had urgent things to do. Guessed I missed him by a few minutes.  

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