Chapter 19 : Burned

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Warning : Content may be offensive or disturbing to some readers!!

And it is also a long chapter, longest I've ever written.

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Happy reading! 😘😘


Liu Yang's POV

Jazzy piano instrumental "Fly me to the moon" filling the room full of mirror with me dancing solo in the middle of it, with my hair secured in its bun and my pointe shoes laced tightly around my ankles.

The room mirrored my movements. They were like the raging waters of a waterfall : swift, vibrant and full of energy yet light and elegant. I was jumping and rapidly beating my feet together into pirouettes. Turning around, flowing with the music. Then for the last move, I supported my body on my left leg with the other leg gracefully extended behind me.

Then the music ended, I dropped my tired body to the floor. I drank a sip of water while my hands playing the fine tulle of my white tutu. I still tried to catch my breath and wiped the sweat on my forehead.

Just as Picasso would put his heart and soul into painting, I put mine into ballet. I had always turned to ballet when I stressed out. This time, I need to dance to get the problem with my brother out of my mind for a moment. But this time I over tired myself.

I looked at the clock, it was already quarter past midnight. Time to go home. I stood up and got ready to come home. The studio was only a block away from my flat. Really convenience.

I didn't bother to change my outfits. I just pulled off the tutu and wear my coat over. This ballet studio was in the third floor with other music rooms. First and second floor was offices like travel agencies, etc. The studios were open 24 hours only for member. But I was the only crazy person who stayed here until past midnight.

Then I turned off the studio's light and locked the door. The overhead neon tube in the hallways automatically cast a harsh, flickering light for a minute or two when it detected my footsteps.

I went slowly downstairs, there was no sounds at all until it felt eerie. The small café in the middle was totally dark. The chairs flipped up on the table.

Ugh why is the light blinking like that? Makes it creepier. I need to stop watching horror movie!

I skidded to a stop at the steps to the first floor when I saw the dark shadow, standing silently in front of the entrance, back facing me. Who is that? What should I do now? Suddenly the flickering lights went off.

Shit! Where is the switch? I realized the switch was at the end of the stairs. The man was still standing motionless there. I was alarmed. The glass door admitted a mere silver of light, dimly lit the hallway. My pulse ramped up and chills chased up my spine. Something was off.

As my eyes adjusted with the sudden darkness, the figure with a black coat and black cap slowly turned to look at me. This tall figure looked... familiar. But this time, his cold eyes gave me an exceptionally murderous gaze.

A tremor moved through me, so hard that I thought the ground was moving beneath me. I took steps backwards, and ran upstairs. Strong and fast footsteps followed behind me. He is chasing me! A ball of terror formed in my stomach.

I ran back up to the second floor. I tried to open the first room I saw, locked! Under panic attack, I ran to the most corner room, and it opened!

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