Chapter 6 : Badly

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Dayu's POV

We, Qing and I, went to my apartment after the our acting class. It was 3 in the afternoon. At lunch Qiu Shi said he will be back at 8 PM with his girlfriend and we can get dinner together.

I was shocked when I knew that my past tutor, Mei Ruowa, was his girlfriend. Mei Jie (Jie = big sister) was 5 years older than us, that's why I didn't get how can they got together, but as long as Qiu Shi is happy all is good. And I knew Mei Jie was a nice woman.

"Wow, your apartment is really near the campus. And really neat! My friend's apartment was like a broken ship." Qing said in amazement when he came in.

I was about to say something, my phone rang.

"Hello Dayu. Ruowa just called me. She told me she'll come sooner, maybe around 5 PM. I still have class until 7:30. Then we'll get dinner as we planned. Is that ok? You told me you guys will do some assignment."

"That's ok. We still have time. Ok then, see you!" I ended the call, turned around and realized Qing was looking at me.

"It was Qiu Shi. He said his girlfriend will come sooner, maybe around 5."

"Is that so? Then we better start now. Right here?"

What's with the question? "We can go to my room if you want to." I saw him nodding his head like a puppy. Then tailing me to my room.

Wang Qing really was not a cute guy. He was masculine and tall, hmm maybe around 190cm, with broad shoulders. He looked fit, not overly muscular but you can see those muscle. It was just a right portion for my taste.

I didn't know what's wrong with me. I just saw him yesterday and met him today for several hours, but I felt save around him. As if I've known him for years. I even invited him here. I didn't understand myself anymore.

We decided to work on my desk, so I dragged one chair from Qiu Shi's room. We sat side by side.

After an hour, we only wrote six sentences. Writing a good poem was not as easy as I thought. We were pretty perfectionist, that was why it took us longer.

"Dayu, I'm hungry.. And my head hurts." I chuckled. This big cold guy, who kicked his classmate before, was acting like a kid in front of me. His cold demeanor did not suit him at all.

"I'll buy some snacks for us."

"No, I'll go buy it. I saw a convenient store on the way here. Wait for a minute, okay?"

"Okay. Oh wait, here take this key. I'll go downstairs to the laundry room. I put my clothes in the dirty drawer. I need to wash them again." I gave him my spare key.

"Got it!" He patted my head softly and went out.

I took out all the clothes that I need to wash, and went downstairs. The laundry room was on the basement.

I went down yesterday. The basement was nothing like the apartment. It was cold, metallic, and sterile. The ceiling covered in piped winding in distorted angles. The floor covered in smooth cement. There were 2 washing machine and 2 dryer inside and also a big iron storage rack on one side. It was packed with cleaning supplies and lots of tools. The cold ambiance sent shivers down to my spine.

I slowly creeping down the steps. It was narrow and dark, because there were no windows downstairs. As I reached the basement, I opened the door and slid my hand along the wall for the light switch. I was just about to turn the light on when, suddenly, I felt another hand go for the switch.

I jumped off, I was terrified. But then the basement lit and I heard a laughter from a woman. It was Mei Jie.

"Hahaha Dayu.. Are you still afraid of ghosts?" She leaned against the door frame, laughing at me until her eyes wet with tears. She looked more mature and more beautiful. Her hair was a rich shade of mahogany. It flowed in waves adored her porcelain-like skin. Her eyes were deep hazel. A straight nose and full lips made her face elegant.

"Mei Jie! It's been a while since we met, and the first thing you do was made fun of me?"

"Don't be mad, I'm just kidding around with you." She pushed the door to close it, then slowly strolled to me and hugged my slightly taller body. Weird. We were never this close. I said nothing, just hugged her back reluctantly. I just realized the floor was wet. Where did the water come from?

"I missed you so much. Why you never reply my text? I texted you several times, then I gave up." She said while stroking my cheeks gently. Again, weird.

This time, I didn't stay quiet. I took a step back to avoid her before answered. "Really? Sorry Jie, I don't remember."

She strolled forward to touch my face again, or so I thought. She looked into my eyes. Then she looked down, her gaze fixed on my lips. She leaned closer until I can feel her warm breath against my face. I backed up just before our lips touched.

There were so much things bugging me. Why would she kiss me? My best friend was her boyfriend. Why would she do this to him?

As I was backing up from her, the soles of my shoes didn't have any grip to the wet ground. The gravity failed me and I fell backwards.

Qing's POV

I went back to Dayu's apartment after 10 minutes, holding one big plastic bag with five bags of chips and four cans soda inside. This much will do until dinner. I sensed that people was staring at me. It must be because I was grinning non-stop. I was really happy, to be able to stay with Dayu all day.

With the spare key Dayu gave me, I opened the glass front door. My smile was getting wider. I just met him today, and he trusted me enough to give me his spare key.

My legs felt lighter than usual. I was going to take two steps at one time going upstairs, but I held my feet midair as I heard a woman laughing. It was from downstairs. The basement. But Dayu said he would go wash his clothes downstairs. Whose sound was it.

Curious, I went downstairs silently. The basement door was slightly ajar, I peeked my head a little. There stood Dayu with a puzzled look and a woman in front of him, back-facing me.

What is she doing?

She strolled closer to Dayu and leaned her face really close to Dayu's, tilting her head a little.

Is she trying to kiss my Dayu?!

I was clenching my fist really hard, I could feel piercing pain in my palm. And it was getting wet, wet from my blood. I was breathing heavily.

And to my horror, Dayu fell backwards as he was avoiding her. He hit the back of his head really hard against the ground.


My voice could not leave my throat.

My pulse was racing like a freight train.

Dizziness hit me.

My ears kept ringing, stabbing my eardrum.

She hurt Dayu!!

That bitch hurt MY Dayu!!

I'll hurt her!

I'll hurt her badly!!

I kicked the door open, leaped forwards towards her.

Her shocked face was the only thing I saw. I did not even know where I was anymore.

The blood pounded in my ears were getting worse. My chest heaved rapidly with heavy panting.

My vision disfigured, then everything went black.

I vaguely heard a woman screaming in terror.

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