Chapter 22 : Better Left Unsaid

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Dayu's POV

I was spending the weekend at Qing's. I sat in the living room in front of the TV. The window was open. Bright sunlight streamed in on to the wooden floor and reflecting its glory on the glass coffee table.

Suddenly the front door opened. I felt a light breeze passed from the open window to the door. Qing walked in after his morning run with sweat dripping down his temple, his training shoes left sandy footprints on the floor. He threw his shoes to the side and strolled closer to me.

"Love! You've woken up." He kissed me lightly on my lips.

"Qing, you're sweaty and don't smell good! Go take shower!" I lied. Qing always smelled good, no matter how sweaty he was. The sweaty shirt that molded his sturdy chest perfectly ignited an irresistible urge inside me to touch it. But I managed to hold back my hands.

"Hahahaha as you say, my wife." He kissed me again on the lips and ran to the bathroom.

I could only shake my head, reacting to his behavior. Then I got up from the sofa to the kitchen. I made Toasts with sunny side up and bacon on the side. A cup of Coffee for Qing and Tea for me.

"At approximately 7.40pm yesterday the Yalong Bay Coastguard received a call reporting that a small boat was overdue in ......" The advertisements in the TV had change into a breaking news. But the volume was too low, I couldn't hear the news clearly from the kitchen.

Hm? Yalong Bay? I went back to the living room, picked up the remote and turning up the volume.

A man, which I think the spokesman said: " We have recovered the upturned boat and now we are drawing up a plan to find the victim."

Then the reporter voice could be heard again "The victim, identified as 26-year-old Liu Wei, initially filed a missing person's report 3 weeks before he had drowned."

So they both are gone now. Suddenly I felt two strong arm pulled me. I bumped into a sturdy body. I looked up, and water dripped directly to my forehead.

"Qing! Your hair is still dripping wet." But he ignored my nagging and I could see the corner of his lips tilted up a little. I bet he felt relieved now - because I did. At last, our hard work paid off. But Qing didn't have to know what I did.

I didn't really know what Qing did to her, but I guessed it has something to do with gasoline. Maybe she was burned? I didn't know for sure.

What I knew was, Qing didn't know about Liu Yang's ballet. I intentionally gave him the information that Liu Yang had a habit to dance when she was stressed out. The rest was up to him.

And at the bar that time. I knew Qing was there. I also saw a girl, with a camera on her hand. The second Liu Wei came in, the girl observed every little thing he did, eyeing him like a lion watching some prey through tall veldt grasses.

I connected the dots, and I drew a conclusion. Qing contacted someone, to take a photo. But that time, I didn't really know why.

Moments later, Qing came in. He wore a black coat and black hat to disguise himself, but I would know Qing anywhere. He talked with Liu Wei for a while, I saw Qing swiftly put something on Liu Wei's drink, then walked away. Went out from the bar.

Moments later, Liu Yang came in with a huge smile on her face. The eyes of the girl with camera were flashing, as if she knew something and pointed the camera at them. I watched them carefully. I guessed Liu Wei was drunk. He couldn't even stand up straightly. No, I was sure he was drugged.

Then everything moved fast. Liu Wei kissed Liu Yang forcefully. I was stunned. Sure he was drugged and had obviously a clouded mind. But why did he kiss her?

Things Left UnsaidNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ