Chapter 8 : Innocently

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Dayu's POV

I heard something from afar. It was Qing. He was talking with someone. I can't really tell what was it about. My eyelids were heavy, I can't open them.

"....yu....Dayu...." Who's calling me? Qing?

I slowly aroused from my heavy slumber. The air was cool yet humid with a clean scent. I realized I was lying on a bed. White blanket hugged my body keeping me warm. My head was throbbing like it was hit by a brick.

Where am I?

Then I felt something warm touched my right hand.

"Dayu? Are you awake? How are you feeling? Does your head hurt?"

"...Qing? Where am I?" My voice hoarse, my throat felt dry. I saw Qing pressed the red button beside my bed.

I was struggling to sit up on the bed, Qing readily helped me up. Then he passed me a glass of water, which I emptied in one go.

"You are in the hospital, Dayu. How are you feeling?" He took the empty glass from my hand and put it on the table beside my bed. He sat down on my bed. Touched my cheek softly with his warm hand and held my right hand. I felt better already.

As I wanted to answer him, a doctor came in with a nurse behind him.

"Ah you're awake I see." The doctor walked closer to me and stood on my left side of my bed. Then he went on asking while he stretch my eye wider and pointing a small flashlight on my eye. "How are you feeling? Do you have any headache? Do you feel nausea?"

"My head hurts but I don't feel sick."

"Good, you passed out for 3 hours. Do you remember what happened?"

"3 hours??" I shocked, I tried to recall what happened. "I remember talking with a friend... Then I slipped and I fell... Backwards. But I can't recall anything after that." What happened after that? I heard small sound left Qing's mouth as he held my hand tighter. He looked really worried.

"That's ok, it's a good thing you still remember what happened." Then he looked at Qing. "The result was already out. He doesn't have any brain injury. The headache is a normal reaction because the brain shook as his head hit the ground."

I looked at both of them. Result? Did I undergo some kind of test while I was passing out? Why did the doctor tell Qing and not me? I'm the subject in here. I furrowed my eyebrows together. But they ignored me.

"Despite the good result, he has to stay overnight in the hospital. We need to keep monitoring his condition for the next 24 hours."

"Of course." Qing nodded his head, then smiled at me. "You hear that, Dayu. You need to stay here tonight."

I stared blankly at him. I just realized there were just us in this room, no other patients. There's just my big bed, one big sofa and a table. There was even a private bathroom! Am I in a VIP room?

Qing noticed me scanning the room. "You're alone in this room. There will be no one bothering you beside me." He gave me his cheeky grin.

"Am I in a VIP room? But I don't have that much money" I started panicking.

"No need to panic Dayu." Qing's told me softly as he stroking his thumbs on my hand. His soft gesture made my heart flutter. And I could hear the nurse squeaking. "It's free."

"Free?? You want to deceive a baby or what?" I pouted. He was really too much. How in the world could a room in hospital be free of charge. The VIP room on top of that.

"It's my family's hospital. Ah and this doctor is Wang Yu, my cousin." The doctor waved his hand to me.

I was stupified. Both of them were smiling at me.

Wang Qing is that rich??

He definitely saw how flabbergasted I was, his smile faded. The cold Wang Qing was back. No, his face was cold but his eyes showed me something else. If my eyes did not cheat me, it was a loving gaze.

"Wait! I changed my mind. Dayu, you need to pay me. You have to recover as fast as possible. Then your debt will be paid off." Then that cold face showed me the most charming smiled I've ever seen in my life, made my heart fly up and down hitting my rib cage.

What is this feeling?

I could not take it anymore. I averted my gaze into something else, anything but Qing's eyes. Then I felt his hand stroking my hair, down to my temple and to my cheeks. I still didn't look up, I stared my blanket as if it was the most interesting thing in the galaxy.

His hand didn't move from my cheek. Then I lost the warmth on my right hand, but second later it was on my other cheek. Wang Qing clasped my face, forcing me to look at him.

The warmth from his hands was flowing to my face. My face was burning. I hope he didn't notice.

"Ehem.. I think I should go now. If there's any problem, just press that button." He pointed at the red button that Wang Qing pressed before. Then he and the nurse went out.

"Do you feel sick? Your face looks red and really warm."

Yes! I am sick! But I don't know what kind of sickness this is. Arrgh he's being too close. His scent is flooding my senses now. I can't breath!

"I'm fine. It's your hands that makes my face warm! Let go!" I shook my head. Ah that was a wrong move. I felt dizzy. I turned quiet because the dizziness. But Wang Qing "Pffttt.. Hahahaha.." A bubble of laughter escaped his mouth. I frowned and pouted, my head still caught by him.

"I know you're dizzy because you're shaking your head." How does he know? Am I that easy to read? I got more annoyed and puckered my lips more.

"But you're being too cute now." Qing's hands move from my cheeks, his fingers brushing lightly at my ears, to my nape. I still looked straight at him. Slowly, he pushed his face up. His chin was in front of my eyes and I could feel his breath on my hair. Then his lips softly touched my forehead. He kissed me! Well, my forehead. Hundreds of questions was flowing on my head.

Why can't I resist his kiss? Why don't I feel disgusted? He is a man. I am a man! Why does my heart flutter? I can feel his warm heart through this small kiss. It was warming and innocently soothing. I like it.

After a few seconds, his lips left my forehead. His hands were still resting on my cheeks, his eyes were looking straight at me. I could see my own reflection on his clear eyes.

"Please be well really soon, Dayu." Then he rested his forehead against mine. His nose was snuzzling mine. I can see his smile, drawn by his smile, I too was smiling.

Then I snapped back to earth and pushed him a little to give us some space. Embarassement hit me hard. I bet my face was deep red like a red beet right now. Qing was really gentle to me. Though I just met him today, I knew he wasn't like this to other.

"Umm.. Did you bring me here to the hospital? What about Mei Jie? Where is she?" I broke the silence between us.

He frowned, looked really confused. "Huh? Mei Jie? What do you mean? I found you lying on the wet ground unconscious. I immediately brought you here. But you were alone. And you said Mei Jie will come at 5PM."

I was alone?? Where did she go?


Before I could finished my sentence, the door opened. "DAYU! Are you ok?!" Qiu Shi stormed into the room half screaming.

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