Chapter 16 : Lavish Temptation

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Liu Yang's POV

It has been a week since I met Yu Ge at the campus holding hand with the tall guy. I was disturbed by the thought at first but then bad news came. Tao Ge was dead caused by some kind of drugs complication.

If I think about Tao Ge, my mind flew to Yu Ge. He was one of the reason for Yu Ge trauma.

I'll talk with Yu Ge today and no one is going to stop me!

I was a little off in my little bubble, didn't even realize I was already in the campus. In front of Yu Ge's class to be exact. Then I fought a battle with my mind. Should I talk to Yu Ge about Tao Ge? What if his trauma back? What if I just bring back his bad memories?

Thousands of 'what ifs' rotating around my mind until I saw Yu Ge again with that man always sticking close to him. I could not take it anymore. The talk with Yu Ge can wait, I need to talk with that guy.

Luckily, Yu Ge was busy writing something on his notes, on the other hand the guy was aware of my presence and was looking at me coldly. I gave him sign to meet me outside. He understands what I meant, he then touched Yu Ge's hand gently, whispered something then went outside.

"What is wrong with you? Why do you have to be that close to Yu Ge?"

He ignored me. With eyes narrowing beneath beetling brows he asked with cold tone "What do you want?"

"I want you to stay away from Yu Ge." I sounded like a bossy girl, but I needed to do this. "I'll tell you something. Yu Ge got bullied in high school because some rumors that he was gay."

"I know." What? He knows? Did Yu Ge tell him?

He was watching me, waiting for me to speak. I wanted to find a way to say it, to make him see my point.

"Ehm.. " I cleared my throat "If you know, why are you acting like that? It was a trauma for him. If you got to close to him and other people made the same rumor again, it will crush him. So, you better stay away from him."

"I love Dayu." He said like that word was the most normal word in the world. I bet he only knew Yu Ge for a while but he could say he loved Yu Ge? He said it like it was nothing. Did he really even know what love is? He just spouted his deluded bullshit. I was getting angry.

"No you don't! If you love him, you won't act like that! You will only hurt him. Don't you understand?" I said, gripping tightly my fist.

He smirked. That smirked ticked me off. This guy was acting like he knew Yu Ge thoroughly but he didn't understand anything! I knew Yu Ge more than him! I was trembling with anger, my eyes sting with angry tears. I was looking at him with fire in my eyes, nothing escaped my mouth anymore. Before he saw my tears, I turned away.

But I heard a chuckled, accompanied with some whisper.

"Why don't you keep staring at me with those fiery eyes? Soon you will be burned in the fire."

I turned back to look at him, but he already went in to the class. Was that my imagination?

Qing's POV

I slammed my body back into my seat beside Dayu. I was angry after talking with that girl.

"Qing? Is something wrong?" Dayu's sweet voice woke me up.

"Nothing wrong." I smiled. "Dayu, can I go to your place after class? Let me cook for you."

"You can cook?" His eyes widened, overflowing with excitement.

"Of course! Yesterday I watched Cook Battle, they made Spaghetti Kung Pao. I really want to try it."

"It sounds delicious! I'll let you cook in my apartment. Ah but I think we need to do groceries first." I nodded in excitement.

After the class ended, it was still early afternoon but the sky was dark, large pillows of gravel-grey clouds were forming like it was going to rain.

By the time we finished shopping, it was started to rain. Bringing out the smell of the earth. We rushed to Dayu's apartment. I carried all 3 bags in my hand because Dayu need to open the door.

We stood in front of the glass door while Dayu searching for the key. There was no shelter, raindrops kept falling on our head.

"Oh no Qing! I think I forgot to bring the key!"

"What? You didn't lock the door this morning when you left?"

"That means I didn't. But it doesn't matter. It has auto lock. The problem is, we can't go inside! Qiu shi will be back in the evening." Dayu panicked. Me? I'm happy!

"Then let's go to my flat! You've never been there, right? And the rain is getting heavier, we can't stay here. Come on!"

Taking my chance in the situation, I took all 3 bags in one hand, and used my free hand to walk hand in hand with Dayu to the parking lot in campus.

The rain was getting heavier by seconds. Before me noticing, it has turned into a summer storm. We ran to the car. We were soaked through and blinded by the rain.

From afar I unlocked the car, we slid into the car. I sat behind the wheel while Dayu sat beside me in the passenger seat, I threw the groceries to the back seat.

Inside the car, under the drum of thunderous rain all I heard was our heavy breathing. The road ahead looked like a river and thunder seemed to shake the car. Flashing blue lights vying with lightning to illuminate the sky.

I looked to my left where Dayu were. Seeing the scene in front of me, every muscles in my body froze as if a fork of lightning that split the air penetrate through this car and struck me.

Water droplets flowing down from Dayu's hair, causing his purple shirt to become translucent. It clung tightly to dayu's chest, sketching his slim figure vividly. His chest, which still rapidly going up and down as he tried to catch his breath, looked sexy as hell.

Touched by the rain, Dayu's scent got stronger. Mix between fresh lavender and sweet vanilla filled the car, better yet mixed with Dayu's scent, assaulted my senses.

Dayu was looking straight at my eyes with a small smile played on his lips. He was saying something my damaged brain could not process. All I could hear was his rich, luxurious and warm tone singing in my ears. Then I was struck by an emotional outburst and spoiled it all..

"Dayu, I want to love you more than anyone has ever loved you, give you my obsessive love. Can you please give me a chance, Dayu? Can you please love me back?"

His starry eyes got wider in seconds and his cheeks glowing red.

Is Dayu going to reject me? Is it too soon? Why did I blurt it all?

"I know the bad things happened in the past still lingers. Let me help you to forget. Let us make good memories together! I won't rush you. I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes."

"Qingge.." his sexy voice invading my ears. God, why Dayu always uses that nick name in this kind of situation.

Dayu bit his lower lips as he was thinking hard. My heart thundering louder than the actual thunder blaring outside. The sound of summer rain heavily beating the roof of the car concealed completely by my mind chanting Dayu's name over and over again.

Dayu.. I can't wait to be able to hug you freely.. To kiss your sweet rosy lips.. Dayu.. My Dayu.. My treasure.. I want to kiss him!

Then my rational mind lost. I reached over, pulled my face to his and brushed my lips to Dayu's. My tongue touched his lips. I nibbled on Dayu's lower lips, coaxing him to let me in. Dayu gasped and moaned as I entered his warm mouth. He tasted really sweet. Sweeter than honey.

The sweet sensual kiss lingered for a few minutes before I pulled away. Gently, I swiped his bottom lip with my thumb and said "I told you I'll wait, but I am going to seduce you. Be prepared, Dayu."

As I said that, Dayu's pretty eyes shed some faint tears. His glowing red cheeks radiated even more. He bit his flirty florid lips, bracing against the shyness but it made his lips more enticing. He was clutching his dampened shirt made the two red cherries on his chest visible.

My body stiffened. I felt the gratifying thrill began to crawl inside my body. Before I lost all of my control to this lavish temptation, I started the engine and drove us away.

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