Chapter 13 : Forbidden

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Liu Wei's POV

In the privacy and silence of my office, I sat at my desk staring blankly at the opened textbook.

No, he can't be Dayu!

But he looked a lot like him. That boy looked straight at me with his eyes full of pain.

Yes, it must be Dayu.

Where did he stay for the last two years? Then the flashback hit me, memories flooding in. I remember how hurt he was and how tough he was facing the rumors I made up.

But how could he still laugh like that with his friends after he had broken my sister's heart. He didn't deserve my sister. What did my sister see in him? I was so much better than him!

Why would my sister cry for him? He rejected her. But she still stayed by his side on his bad times. Jealousy took over me, and I did something I regretted until now. I called a gay acquaintance of mine, gave him Dayu's photo and told him that he could play with Dayu.

I did not expect he would bring four friends with him to attack Dayu. It was not my plan! But luck was on Dayu's side. Before they could do anything stupid, they were stopped.

On one side, I was relieved that nothing happened to him. On the other side, I was disappointed. He hurt my sister, so they should have...

Arrghh!! I slammed the book closed. I held my head in my hands and closed my eyes.

Do people always fall in love with things they can't have?

My heart tells this is the greatest feeling I have ever had. But my mind knows that I should not have this feeling.

Why should I have this kind of feeling to her? Why can't I just love someone else?

This overwhelming feeling I have for her is terrifying. I am terrified to feel something I could never speak of.

But I am falling deeper in each passing day, trying to hide it in every possible way.

Tried to fight this feeling but I just couldn't.

I loved her for so many years, I put my heart on everything I did for her. But she loved someone else. My heart bled within me.

Like that time, when I could not retain my feelings from erupting any longer but I could not tell a soul about this. So I spilled everything on Dayu. I suffered a lot, so I made Dayu suffered. And he needed to suffer more, because he also hurt my sister, my love. I smiled with the thought of my sweet little sister.

When my confused mind was still going back and forth between the past and the present, someone knocked on my door.

Liu Yang's POV

"Ge! I told you to not forget about your lunch box!" I stomped my feet as I marched into his office.

My big brother was too much this time. He begged me to make lunch for him in the morning, then he forgot and I need to bring it for him.

I actually didn't mind to come here because I heard from my friend that she saw Yu Ge in this campus last week. Sadly, she didn't know which course and which class. I needed to make sure Yu Ge was really here.

It has been 2 years since I last saw him. He was being bullied because of some kind of lame rumor. Yu Ge was a nice person. I didn't understand why would someone did that to him.

He rejected me once, but I still love him until now. He was the strongest person I knew in my life and he had always protected me since I was little. Even when he was bullied, he still prioritized my safety. I knew he loves me back, just in a different form. I will always be his little sister. But I'll accept it as long as I could stay by his side.

"Thank you for bringing my lunch, Love. I'm really hungry!" Wei Ge put his hand on my cheek and stroked it with his thumb. He also looked at me that look. I could not explain what kind of look that was, but it made me a little uncomfortable. So I smacked his hand.

"I told you don't call me that and don't do that. I'm not a kid anymore! What if people misunderstand!" He laughed and started to eat.

"Ok then, I'll go now. I still have class in the afternoon. Don't forget to bring home the empty box."

"Yep yep. Just go..." He waved his hand ushered me to go.

I sighed. My brother was often acting like this. A minute he was too affectionate until he made me uncomfortable, minutes later he turned cold. He would not even look at me.

But I didn't care. I had to find Yu Ge. Oh and I lied about had class this afternoon. He didn't need to know that I search for Yu Ge. No one told me where Yu Ge was for the last 2 years and now I'm getting my answer!

I decided to search for him in this building first. As I went to Ge's office, I passed by the cafeteria. It was lunch time, Yu Ge could be there. Perfect! I'll start from there.

I passed by empty classes, nothing interesting. Then I heard a door opened. In front of me, two guys came out from the classroom. One guy was really tall, and the shorter guy.....

Isn't that him?? I rubbed my eyes.

I guessed they were heading to the cafeteria. They were talking and laughing about something. The taller guy patted and rumbled the short guy's hair. Then the shorter guy tilted his head a little to give the other guy a piercing look. I could see his side profile.

It IS Yu Ge!!

I ran towards him and screamed his name. "Yu Ge!!!"

He turned his body to my direction. I hugged him immediately. Ah this is the scent I missed for years. I thought I forgot his scent, but I actually didn't. It was just locked somewhere in my brain.

Yu Ge didn't hold me back but he didn't push me away. He must be confused. I chuckled. I used this chance to hugged him even tighter. Seconds later a strong hand harshly pulled me away. It wasn't Yu Ge. He wasn't this rough.

It was that tall guy. He pulled and yanked me real hard like I was some kind of disgusting bacteria. I kept my balance so I didn't fall backwards. I didn't like him already. Such a brutal.

"Xiao Yang? Is it really you? What are you doing in here?" Yu Ge asked me with his big beautiful eyes wide open.

"It is me!! Where have you been for two years Yu Ge? I missed you so much!" I was going to hold Yu Ge again, but that tall guy blocked Yu Ge from me.

I was going to kick him, however I felt a big hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me backwards. Huh? Who pulled me? I looked behind me, it was my brother.

"Liu Yang, Love.. Are you aware that we are currently in the university area? It's inappropriate to hug someone as you wish in here." He sounded really cold. His eyes were not on me. It was on Yu Ge. His gaze was as sharp as a knife. Why? And aarrghh he called me love again. So embarrassing.

The tall guy then snorted "Huh, like brother like sister. Do you think it's appropriate to call your sister love and hugged her waist like that? I smell something forbidden in here." He gave my brother a mocking smirk. What is he talking about?

"Wang Qing!" Yu Ge scolded the tall guy.

My brother loosened his hand on my waist, gave the tall guy a cynical look and pulled my wrist back to his office. I tried to break free but his grip was like a snake encircling my wrist. I surrendered and followed him.

I took a look back at them. The tall guy was whispering something to Yu Ge, then he held Yu Ge's hand and interlocking their fingers. No it can't be! Am I seeing things?

Things Left UnsaidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora