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schools out by alice cooper


    Mikayla was, and is, a auburn haired girl who had a attitude problem like no other. She was currently 13, going on 14 in August. The girl had her good and bad days, but because of her friends she had tons of good days. Always having the most fun when she hung out with even just one of them.

   Her bad days...well they are bad days. Her hands shake a little more then normal, and she taps her foot in class. The reason she does these in the first place is due to getting nerve damage when she was three. Anyways, these are the days that earned her the nickname Jitter Bug, and also the days where she comes home with a few bruises. Some of them are harmless.

  Ether way, the girl had problems at school. Whether from the band of bitches that follows Greta Bowie everywhere, or from her hands shaking making it extremely frustrating to do certain tasks. She also has to deal with Henery Bowers constantly calling her a slut.

But luckily for her. She still had her group of friends who so happened to have their own list of problems. From Bills stuttering, to Stans OCD, and Eddies need for everything to be clean and germ free. You could even count Richie's bad eyesight or his hidden anxiety. They had it all!

They where small, but definitely a group of kids that would most likely stay in touch until they all died. Mikayla had bets that Richie would be the one to die first, but Stan believed that Eddie would hit it first from having a heart attack. Honestly, she wouldn't be surprised if they both where wrong and she died first.

  Currently though, the group of five stood around the trash cans that sat outside of their school. Their backpacks dangling over the trash can as they poured out the contents. Well everyone did this, but Mikayla. She had a habit of skimming over her work and cutting out any words written perfectly.

  Her eyes moved from what they where doing to the sky; perfectly blue. As most days in the summer where normally. She loved he weather here, loved the sound of birds chirping, loved bike rides with everyone.

  "This is the best feeling ever," Stan said as he put his backpack on his back. Mikaylas eyes moving back to him.

  "Try tickling your pickle for the first time," Richie retorted as everyone else put theirs back on.

"That's gross," she commented as she crinkled her nose at him in disgust. Only earning a raspberry in return. She stuck her tongue out back and blew lightly before grinning at him.

  "Hey, what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Eddie asked as he looked around at the group. Mikaylas eyes drifting up to the sky again as a bird flew above them.

   Stan bumped her shoulder with his shoulder, pulling her back into the conversation. Her head turning to look at him. Her eyebrow raising in confusion, before she smiled at him. He smiled back at her, before diverting his attention to Richie.

"Start my training," Richie commented as a almost smug look pulled on Eddies face.

"Is that how you wanna spend your summer. Inside of a arcade."

"Beats spending it inside of your mom," he retorted as he held his hand up for a high five from Stan. Mikayla snorted as she watched Stan put his hand down, changing the subject.

"What if we go to the quarry?" Stan asked as Mikayla's stomach filled up with a sense of fear.

  "No, I hate heights. Let's do it later in he summer," she spat out quickly as she kept her eyes on Bills shoes for a moment before looking up.

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